You searched for "papillomatous"

55 results found

Patterns of binocular diplopia in giant cell arteritis (GCA)

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a granulomatous vasculitis that targets medium and large sized vessels. Binocular diplopia has been reported in a small number of patients with visual manifestations of GCA. It can be caused by ischaemia in any segment...

Comparison of two interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) for tuberculous uveitis

In this prospective cohort study the authors compared QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube and T-SPOT.TB to evaluate their diagnostic accuracy. They enrolled 120 consecutive new uveitis presentations over a two year period in a tertiary centre. The majority were Chinese (61.3%), followed...

Toxic nutritional optic neuropathy (TON)

Toxic optic neuropathy are a group of conditions manifested by reduction of visual functions secondary to damage to the anterior visual pathways from exposure to a toxin. The implicated toxin could be work-based, food or drink related, or iatrogenic medication....

On the wrong track

A 65-year-old very high myope lady presented with sudden blurred vision down to count fingers to her right eye after a short and sharp pain. She also described seeing a black swirly line and as all these symptoms were exactly...

Dec/Jan 2017 Quiz

History An 18-month-old boy presented with a slow growing left anterior orbital lump medially. Examination revealed a palpable mass beneath the skin at the inferonasal aspect without any visual impairment. A CT scan (Figure 1) followed by an excisional biopsy...

Apr/May 2014 Quiz 1

History A 45-year-old man presents with left-sided epiphora. During a dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR), the wall of the lacrimal sac was noted to be bulky. The sac wall is biopsied and sent for routine histopathology examination. The pathologist notes a distinctive feature...

Optic nerve swelling – your survival guide (part 1)

Assessment of optic nerve appearance and functions is a daily routine in neuro-ophthalmology. Following a recent high profile court case there has been a significant increase in the amount of referral to ophthalmology departments to assess the optic nerve and...

Oct/Nov 2018 Quiz

History A 37-year-old male was referred from the Emergency Eye Clinic with a swollen right upper eyelid. Symptom relieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The initial clinical diagnosis was dacryoadenitis. The patient presented again six weeks later with 3mm proptosis,...

An unusual presentation of sarcoidosis

*Equally contributing co-first authors. Case report A 45-year-old man presented to his local optometrist with a three-week history of severe intermittent left eye pain with associated blurred vision and tenderness around his left temple. Two days prior, he developed weakness...

Optical coherence tomography – reinventing the eye examination

It has been 25 years since Huang et al. presented the first optical coherence tomography (OCT) images in Science [1]. With vast improvements in OCT technology over the years, it is now possible to acquire high-resolution cross-sectional images of the...

It’s not always GCA

Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is an immune mediated granulomatous inflammatory disease that affects muscular middle or large sized arteries. It is considered as a continuation of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) when the severity of the disease has increased. It is the...

Ciliary body granuloma masquerading as a melanoma

Introduction Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous inflammatory condition which predominantly affects the pulmonary system and intrathoracic lymph nodes, followed by ocular involvement [1]. We present an interesting patient who developed acute anterior uveitis and subsequent ciliary body granuloma clinically mimicking...