Article Guidelines


General information


Submitting an article:

  • The title/outline of article will be agreed between Editor and Contributor.
  • All text prepared will be original and will not have been previously published.
  • No guarantees can be given regarding publication in a particular issue.
  • The contribution is non-remunerable.
  • For clinical articles and reports, at least one author must be consultant-level or higher.
  • Submissions by trainees or Foundation Doctors must be reviewed by someone at consultant level or higher. We advise getting in touch with a consultant before submitting the article for review by the Editorial Coordinator and Editor.
  • Exceptions to the above can be made for post-doc fellows, contributors who have been invited to write an article, or for other exceptional circumstances.
  • Please speak to the Editorial Coordinator for further details and discussion re: consultant reviewing.

After submission:

  • Articles will be sent to specialist advisors to confirm the veracity of content.
  • The Editor reserves the right to alter or amend the contribution. Should any amendments result in drastic alterations to the article the Editor will return the article for reconsideration by the Contributor.
  • The Editor’s decision is final and binding. No undue correspondence will be entered into.
  • Pinpoint Scotland Ltd retains the copyright of any article submitted to the magazine upon author approval of the final proof and publication of the article within the magazine.
  • Pinpoint Scotland Ltd reserves the right to feature any contribution to the magazine, including images, on their current or future websites, digital versions and social media platforms.
  • Please note that any PDF proof of the article received by the Contributor is sent for approval purposes only and should not be passed on to any third parties.

Length and details

  • Up to 2,000 words with 2-4 figures/photos and up to 20 references.
  • References should be indicated in the text like this, [1] and appear at the end of sentences only. References should be listed in the following format: Callear AB, Reynolds A, Harry J, Murray PI. Iris crystals in chronic uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83(6):703-6.
  • Abstract – this should be at the start and include the following: Title / authors and affiliations; Introduction; Aims or hypothesis; Methods; Results; Conclusions
  • Take Home Message – short list of the 4-6 most important points from the article.
  • Standfirst – an introductory sentence at the start of the article.
  • Hot quote from the text.
  • Further reading list and website recommendations (optional).


  • All images/tables/graphs should be originals. If they have been reproduced from other publications/websites, including AI-generated imagery, it is the responsibility of the author to acquire approval for their use.
  • jpg files at 300dpi
  • Indicate where the picture should be cropped, if necessary.
  • Label and include a caption.

Biographical information

  • Head & shoulders picture.
  • Biodata (full name, qualifications, post held, institution and any other relevant data, i.e. areas of professional interest).
  • Correspondence email address.

Format: Microsoft Word


Failure to fulfil the above criteria upon submission will result in the article being returned until it is of the correct standard.


Contact Information

Contributions/queries should be sent to the Editorial Coordinator



Guidelines for Case Reports


General information

  • The case report should be between 500 and 700 words with maximum of two figures/photos and a maximum of five references.
  • All text prepared will be original and will not have been previously published.
  • No guarantees can be given regarding publication in a particular issue.
  • The contribution is non-remunerable.
  • The Editor reserves the right to alter or amend the contribution.
  • The Editor’s decision is final and binding. No undue correspondence will be entered into.
  • Pinpoint Scotland Ltd retains the copyright of any case report submitted to the magazine upon author approval of the final proof and publication of the case report within the magazine.
  • Pinpoint Scotland Ltd reserves the right to feature any contribution to the magazine, including images, on their current or future websites, digital versions and social media platforms.
  • Please note that any PDF proof of the case report received by the contributor is sent for approval purposes only and should not be passed on to any third parties.
  • The consultant with whom the patient featured in a case report is registered needs to be involved in the writing process. The consultant should check the content and act as guarantor, and be credited as co-author. [This does not extend to case reports submitted by a consultant with whom the patient is already registered].


  • All images/tables/graphs should be originals. If they have been reproduced from other publications/websites, including AI-generated imagery, it is the responsibility of the author to acquire approval for their use.
  • jpg files at 300dpi
  • Indicate where the picture should be cropped, if necessary.
  • Label each photo and include a caption.
  • Include signed permission of the patient if the patient could be recognised from the photo.

Biographical information

  • At least one author must be consultant level or above.
  • Biodata (full name, qualifications, post held, institution)
  • Correspondence email address.

Format of article to be supplied

The text should be structured as follows: Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References. Emailed as a Word file.References should be indicated in the text like this [1] and should be listed in the following format: Callear AB, Reynolds A, Harry J, et al. Iris crystals in chronic uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83(6):703-6.


Failure to fulfil the above criteria upon submission will result in the article being returned until it is of the correct standard.


Contact information

Contributions/queries should be sent to the Editorial Coordinator.

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