You searched for "floater"

1159 results found

Development of retinoblastoma services in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe recognised the need for a paediatric ophthalmology service almost 20 years ago. The economic uncertainty in the country made it difficult to secure financial support, so initial funding came through local donors. Equipment – including vision charts, ophthalmoscopes and...

AOP calls for ‘bold thinking’ in response to DHSC request for new minor and urgent eyecare service

The development of a standard specification for ICBs is welcome but ambition for a national approach ‘should not be sacrificed’.

The Eye Health Network – an ‘optometry-first’ approach to eye care

Historically, in NHS Grampian, ophthalmology and optometry worked separately, with even the process of optometry referral to hospital occurring only at the behest of the patient’s general practitioner (GP). Criteria for referral were not discussed and feedback after referral was...

Are illness perception or personality factors associated with follow-up appointment attendance in neuro-ophthalmology?

This was a prospective study which surveyed adults with appointments in either neuro-ophthalmology or the glaucoma service at a tertiary clinic. The aim of the study was to identify factors linked to attendance of follow-up appointments. Recruitment occurred over a...

My experience of the transition into a specialist orthoptist role

Michelle Dent discusses the process of transitioning into a new role and the pros and cons along the way. An opportunity arose for a permanent, full time, band 7 specialist role in the medical retina (MR) team in the Newcastle...

Santen makes waves at ESCRS 2019 with significant expansion into surgical devices and publication of real-world evidence in dry eye disease

Santen EMEA’s significant expansion into the surgical devices arena is underlined by the company’s activities at this year’s European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) congress. In addition to the launch of a new...

Surgical strategies to manage incomitant strabismus in adults

Incomitant vertical and / or horizontal strabismus is a challenging presentation. Patients are usually symptomatic as the onset is either sudden so they haven’t developed any coping mechanisms or very complex so that any coping mechanisms will not cover all...

Retinoblastoma risk factors for recurrence

This study evaluates risk factors for local tumour recurrence of main solid tumour, subretinal seed, vitreous seed and new tumour formation in eyes with retinoblastoma (RB) management with primary chemotherapy over 20 years of follow-up. The study included 960 eyes...

Sharing best practice and landmark evidence in glaucoma care

Evolving technology, best practice and landmark evidence in glaucoma care were reviewed by an international expert faculty in session presentations and debates during the 11th Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium 2019. The authors were meeting chairs and provide an overview of...

Human factors in the operating room

The importance of minimising human error in surgery is well established. This was initially sparked by lessons learned from the aviation industry in the 1970s after several fatal flight accidents [1]. This became a catalyst for a movement on training...

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) associated cystoid macular oedema (CMO)

This is a review article from two units in the UK and Australia, highlighting the supporting evidence of possible pathogenesis and treatment modalities of CMO in RP. The authors proposed that the likely mechanisms for RP-CMO involved the breakdown of...

Belfry to host summer OSA meeting

The Belfry beckons for all OSA members from 10–11 June, as one of the most enjoyable events of the optical calendar.