You searched for "vascularisation"

353 results found

Building research capacity through the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme

The aim is to build capacity for research in the region covered by the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA). The project will build research capacity in three ophthalmology training institutions by ‘training the trainers’ and...

Oertli Instrumente AG releases two trocar based chandelier solution

Using chandelier illumination provides a true bimanual manipulation during vitreoretinal surgery.

Safe cataract extraction with underlying hypotonous cilio-choroidal detachment following trabeculectomy surgery

The authors of this study (including the reviewer of this article) describe a surgical technique for phacoemulsification in the presence of shallow choroidal detachment owing to hypotony following trabeculectomy. In their case series, four eyes of four patients with advanced...

Eye research: where next?

Eye research in the UK is underfunded relative to other areas of medical research and general awareness of sight loss and its prevention remains poor, messages that were reinforced in presentations and discussions during a recent research summit meeting in...

DMEK vs. UT-DSAEK: has the debate been finally concluded?

In recent years the surgical treatment of corneal endothelial dystrophy has progressed tremendously. Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) is the newest iteration in the line of rapid surgical advances that has taken place. However, the previously accepted gold standard prior...

Navigating the retina: the nitty-gritty of slit-lamp fundus examination

The slit-lamp fundus examination can be a difficult and disorientating task for beginners due to the retina being viewed in a non-anatomical orientation, the small area of retina illuminated, and the counterintuitive technique of the examination. This article provides a...

Comparison of nylon versus polyglactin sutures

The purpose of this study was to compare postoperative complications between incision closure by nylon suture and polyglactin suture in paediatric cataract surgery. This was a prospective single-centre non-randomised study of 82 eyes (41 children) with median age of four...

The GMC joins the mobile revolution

If you are an ophthalmologist practising in the UK the increasing need to log your educational activities for your Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) or appraisal can’t possibly have escaped you. The existing tools in this area for ophthalmologists...

What's trending Feb/Mar 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. Happy New Year! Goodbye 2020, a year no one could have imagined, with our lives and headlines dominated by COVID-19 as...

The management of chronic central serous chorioretinopathy

Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) is a common retinal disease characterised by one or more serous neurosensory detachments. Patients present with acute onset blurring of vision, metamorphopsia and / or central scotomas. The condition is six times more common in men...

Screening for Sickle Cell Retinopathy (SCR): Why we do wide-field imaging, OCT/OCT-A for SCR – Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I have been working in ophthalmology for over five years as a photographer and research co-ordinator, and it is fascinating, rewarding, and interesting to learn all about the different diseases associated with the eye. One condition that has been a...

Diabetes macular oedema in pregnancy self-resolving postpartum

*Equally contributing co-first authors. Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a common clinical presentation to ophthalmology clinics. Ample evidence exists for management of DMO in non-pregnant patients. However, there is a paucity of evidence on the optimal management of DMO in...