You searched for "sclera"

204 results found

Ectopia lentis management

This review discusses the management of non-traumatic ectopia lentis in the paediatric population focussing on the variety of surgical options for these patients. The review considers visual sequelae and conservative management, limitations for surgery with respect to historical and current...

ESASO Course Series (Volume 2): Surgical Retina

This book comprises details of symposia / seminars on surgical aspects of retina presented by renowned authorities in ophthalmology from all over the world during ESASOS (European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology) academic activities, which are mentioned in a...

Sex hormones in males and females with central serous chorioretinopathy

This study was aimed to assess the role of sex hormones in male and female patients with central serous chorioretinopathy (CSC), a disease with a pronounced male predilection. Two hundred and six patients, 183 males (mean age 52, median 52,...

Sutureless, scleral fixated-IOLs

This was a retrospective cohort study of 112 sutureless, scleral-fixated posterior chamber intraocular lens implantations (SSFCIOL) over a four-year time period. Mean follow-up duration was 13.0 ±10.4 months. The primary indication for SSFCIOL was dislocation of IOL due to zonular...

Effect of long-term scleral contact lenses on corneal topography, tear film and impression cytology in keratoconus

This study of 16 keratoconus patients aimed to investigate the impact of long-term scleral contact lens (ScCL) wear on corneal curvature, corneal thickness, tear film function and ocular surface in patients with keratoconus. Corneal topography, tear osmolarity test, Schirmer 1...

Sensorimotor outcomes following paediatric ocular trauma

A retrospective assessment of sensorimotor outcomes was conducted in paediatric patients after ocular trauma to evaluate potential predictors of poor outcome including time of treatment deprivation, Paediatric Ocular Trauma score (POTS) and patient characteristics. The review was from 2006-2020 and...

Quarter DMEK

This case report describes a novel technique where one quarter of Descemet’s membrane (DM) was transplanted during a quarter-descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) procedure. DMEK graft was prepared from a 58-year-old corneo-scleral donor after one week in culture. Peripheral DM...

Suspected vitreous seeding of uveal melanoma

This is a retrospective non-randomised study of 23 patients with consecutive uveal melanoma who underwent diagnostic vitrectomy between the period of January 2000 and November 2013. The reason for vitrectomy was suspected dissemination of tumour cells inside the eye. The...

Micropulse vs. continuous wave trans scleral diode cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma

Continuous wave cyclophotocoagulation (CWCPC) delivers continuous high intensity energy to the ciliary body in an attempt to reduce aqueous secretion and hence lower IOP. It is often used as a treatment of last resort due to the potential side-effects of...

Retinoblastoma management update (part 2): treatment, screening and surveillance, long-term follow-up and new developments

Retinoblastoma treatment requires significant multidisciplinary input, but early detection through raising awareness remains key to improving outcomes. In the second article of a two-part series, Manoj Parulekar discusses retinoblastoma management, screening and research. This article has been published in two...

Caring for adults with an ocular tumour

Detection If you screen for an intraocular tumour, dilate the pupil. If the patient is driving, use phenylephrine only. If the patient declines, document this in the casenotes. Don’t forget to look for sentinel vessels, which would indicate a ciliary...

Traumatic injuries from foam Nerf bullets

Background Three patients are presented in this case report: an adult and two children which were subjected to ocular injuries from Nerf gun bullets. Generally, Nerf guns are considered safer than airsoft guns. While there are many papers on airsoft...