Case Reports
Vitreous loss fire drills – ophthalmic simulation improves trainee surgical competence and confidence with posterior capsule rupture scenarios
Ophthalmic trainees have reported limited exposure and low confidence regarding the management of cataract complications such as posterior capsule rupture (PCR) / vitreous loss (VL). This report evaluates the impact of a simulation-based educational training event on these concerns. Introduction...
Iris chafing from displaced single-piece acrylic IOL
A 74-year-old man had persistent 3+ cell one month following left eye cataract extraction, complicated by anterior capsular rent and zonular dialysis at 7 o’clock, with single-piece acrylic intraocular lens implantation (IOL) in the capsular bag. Figure 1: Haptic-like transillumination...
Refractive surprise after cataract surgery caused by posterior capsular striae
Cataract removal with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is one of the most frequently performed surgeries in current clinical practice [1,2]. New microsurgical techniques and refined IOL power calculations allow excellent refractive outcomes. Refractive surprise following cataract surgery is uncommon [1-3]...
Acute uveitis from late migration of soft lens matter 10 years post cataract surgery
A 58-year-old Caucasian male presented to the emergency eye clinic with a two-day history of a painful, red left eye and blurred vision. His past ocular history included uncomplicated left phacoemulsification cataract surgery in 2010 and left retinal detachment repair...
A step-by-step approach to the diagnosis and management of Sands of Sahara Syndrome
Sands of Sahara syndrome (diffuse lamellar keratitis) is a rare postoperative complication of Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Its estimated prevalence is reported to be 2-4% among LASIK cases [1], despite that, it is more likely to be encountered by...
A case of late spontaneous subluxation of in-the-bag intraocular implant
An 82-year-old frail lady was referred by her optometrist with a finding of subluxated implant in the right eye. She had uneventful phacoemulcification with in-the-bag intraocular implant 17 years earlier. There is no history of having had pseudoexfoliation (PXF) or...
An unusual case of silicone oil in the anterior chamber simulating intraocular implant
Silicone oil internal tamponade has been used for over 50 years, even prior to pars plana vitrectomy [1].Over a course of time silicone oil may migrate to the anterior chamber through the pupil. This may disperse in the form of...
Fundus photography in Malawi – setting up a screening programmefor diabetic retinopathy
We present the case of a 53-year-old lady who presented to the diabetes outpatient clinic at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH), Lilongwe, Malawi. She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus six years ago, for which she takes metformin orally. She...
Systemic sarcoidosis presenting with acute myopia and angle closure
Case report A 40-year-old Asian man presented to the Emergency Department with a one day history of sudden onset visual disturbance in his right eye. He complained of image distortion and noted that objects now appeared smaller. He also described...
Cyanoacrylate nail glue accidentally instilled into the eye instead of eye drops
Three hundred thousand cataract operations take place each year in the UK alone and each patient will receive a four week course of drops in order to cover them for any postoperative inflammation or infection. Accidental instillation of cyanoacrylate glue...
A refractive surprise after vitrectomy and capsulectomy
Figure 1: Right posterior capsule small aperture. We report a case of a pseudophakic patient who underwent vitrectomy and posterior capsulectomy. In spite of good visual acuity and absence of floaters, he was unhappy with the visual outcome. Case report...
Acute dellen formation post trauma
Corneal dellen are saucer-like thinnings, usually of the peripheral cornea [1]. Dellen formation is thought to be related to localised tear film instability [2], specifically the absence of the mucin component of the tear film. Without the mucin layer, dry...