You searched for "Genetics"

522 results found

ChatGPT cannot pass FRCOphth examinations: implications for ophthalmology and large language model artificial intelligence

Large language models are generating a lot of hype for artificial intelligence, but can they assist patients and practitioners in ophthalmology? Introduction Deep learning (DL) has emerged in ophthalmology as an exciting form of artificial intelligence (AI) most commonly applied...

“Beware of the pigment”

Using some captivating artwork, Iheukwumere Duru describes key features of pigment dispersion syndrome. Pigmentary dispersion syndrome (PDS) leads to pigmentary glaucoma (PG) in approximately 35-50% of patients with the condition [1]. PG is the leading cause of non-traumatic blindness in...

Retinoblastoma – the challenges of a rare cancer and the role of international partnerships

Introduction: the global challenge The global burden of retinoblastoma (Rb) is one in 15,000-18,000 live births, which equates to 8000 new cases worldwide each year. The global disparities in Rb outcome represent a paradigm of health inequality worldwide [1]. In...

Nano-ophthalmology paves a new path in the future of eyecare

Introduction The treatments of ocular conditions in the field of ophthalmology varies from topical to surgical procedures. The field of nanotechnology is one of the fast-growing fields of medicine, which plays an important role in turning the impossibilities of the...

The science of glaucoma management: highlights of the 2020 Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium

Held earlier this year, the 12th annual Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium provided a forum for advanced clinical and scientific exchange in glaucoma management. The authors describe the key presentation themes and debates, highlighting specific topics of interest to glaucoma specialists....

Well-presented scholarly research work will reduce chances of journal rebuttal

Submitting to an academic journal? Are you aware of the requirements and constraints of relevant copyright laws? Rod McNeil provides a guide for aspiring authors. Getting published in peer-reviewed academic and medical journals is not easy. But careful attention to...

Jun/Jul 2017 Quiz

History A 57-year-old female patient presented with gradual painless diplopia over the last six months. Examination revealed restricted upward eye movements and 4mm proptosis which did not increase with Valsalva manoeuvre. Intraocular pressure was normal, no visual defects were noted,...

Jun/Jul 2018 Quiz

History A 35-year-old woman had a long-standing left blind eye following extensive exudative retinal detachment in the past. She later developed increasing pain in her blind eye. Her medical history includes pheochromocytoma resected five years ago, and she is currently...

Feb/Mar 2018 Quiz

History A 48-year-old farmer with gradual worsening vision in her only eye was referred by her optician. She had recently moved to the UK and required an interpreter during consultation. She seemed to have had vision problems since childhood. Although...

Toxic nutritional optic neuropathy (TON)

Toxic optic neuropathy are a group of conditions manifested by reduction of visual functions secondary to damage to the anterior visual pathways from exposure to a toxin. The implicated toxin could be work-based, food or drink related, or iatrogenic medication....

External dacryocystorhinostomy in the management of childhood epiphora

Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is thought to be caused by a membranous obstruction at the distal end of the nasolacrimal duct (NLD). Rarely, associated midline deformities in soft tissue and bony structures of the face are present in patients with...

Landmark review of glaucoma treatment and research published by Moorfields-led team

Four world-leading experts, including Hari Jayaram and Gus Gazzard from Moorfields, have combined their knowledge with the findings from over 150 peer-reviewed study publications to produce a landmark paper published in the Lancet.