This literature review examined ocular surface disease (OSD) associated with glaucoma medication. The authors examined the prevalence of features and management guidelines glaucoma medication associated OSD. Fifty-eight articles published within the past five years are included in this review and...
In this retrospective, observational study authors reviewed 27 eyes of 27 anophthalmic patients with implant exposure who had received a retroauricular myoperiosteal graft. Their main outcome measure was long-term coverage of implant and the secondary outcome was rate of post-surgical...
In this paper, the authors describe the surgical management of complex strabismus using amniotic membrane grafts in six patients with complex, repeat previous strabismus surgery and two patients with periocular surgery. Frozen amniotic membrane allograft was used. The study had...
History An 83-year-old female was previously treated by surgical excision and plaque brachytherapy for her left conjunctival lesion. She presented to her ophthalmologist with a recurrence some years later and underwent a lid sparing orbital exenteration, which was sent to...
Case presentation A 50-year-old female presented to eye casualty with a lump on the left medial lower eyelid with associated redness and occasional bleeding. The lump was present for a few months with recent enlargement (Figure 1). Her past medical...
1 April 2016
| Harminder Dua (Prof)
EYE - Cornea
The ocular surface (OS) is an anatomical and functional unit made of the tear film, the conjunctival, limbal and corneal epithelium, the lacrimal, mucous and meibomian glands and the lids and blink reflex. The tear film is composed of a...
The authors report a retrospective, observational case series of a Japanese cohort. 12 consecutive implantations of ologen in nine eyes of nine subjects (five men, four women; mean age ±SD, 72.1±12.7 years) who underwent subconjunctival implantation of the device to...
An exploration of Professor Harminder Dua’s recent work using a technique called amnion-assisted conjunctival epithelial redirection (ACER) to aid the success of conjunctival-limbal grafting procedures. ACER provides a refined way to use amniotic membrane (amnion), such as Omnigen® (NuVision® Biotherapies,...
28 November 2022
| Aina Pons, Abhinav Loomba
EYE - General
Pterygium is a benign, fibrovascular overgrowth of bulbar conjunctiva extending onto the cornea and has been associated with ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. The prevalence of pterygium worldwide varies between geographical zones but has been reported to range between three and...
This is a retrospective review of patients undergoing ptosis surgery. The authors had noticed anecdotally that although a posterior approach Muller’s muscle and conjunctival resection (MMCR) appeared to achieve similar results to an anterior approach levator resection (ALR) in the...
The authors present two cases of invasive OSSN in patients with severe AKC. Case 1 was a 73-year-old male with severe AKC and atopic eczema who developed a suspicious papillary-like limbal lesion in the left eye. He had an excisional...
1 February 2015
| Amit Patel, Peter McDonnell, M Quinlan
EYE - Cornea
A 43-year-old Sudanese male patient is referred by his GP with a fleshy lesion encroaching the nasal cornea for the last six months. History Make note of: risk factors, i.e. UV exposure and ocular irritation - history of living in...