You searched for "canalicular"

418 results found

Association between neurodegeneration and macular perfusion in the progression of diabetic retinopathy

In this prospective three-year longitudinal study, the authors aimed to explore the relation between retinal neurodegenerative changes and vessel closure (VC) in individuals with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). The participants included 74 individuals with type 2 diabetes, NPDR, and Early...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a clinician’s perspective

Introduction Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). The term herpes is derived from a Greek work, herpein, which means ‘creeping’ and the word zoster means a belt or a girdle...

Addressing medical risk factors for diabetes and understanding the new systemic treatments

As global diabetes figures continue to rise, the importance of reducing the burden of macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes has never been so great. By 2025 it is estimated that five million people in the UK will have diabetes...

Sexually transmitted conjunctivitis – the REALLY sticky eye

Let’s face it, patients with conjunctivitis don’t always produce the most stimulating consultations and most of the time we can manage them in auto-pilot. The prospect of delving into such a patient’s sexual history is not overly appealing, but this...

The ocular manifestations of COVID-19: an overview of current literature

Although respiratory symptoms are the most frequent manifestation of COVID-19, multi-organ involvement has been demonstrated, including ocular manifestations. The author investigates how the eye can be affected. The SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a significant public...

OCTA to measure surgical haemodynamic changes

This study used the optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) technique to evaluate possible haemodynamic changes after horizontal rectus muscle surgery in 32 eyes of 16 patients; nine male, seven female. Recession / resection surgery was undertaken for two horizontal rectus...

OCTA to measure surgical hemodynamic changes

This study used the optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) technique to evaluate possible hemodynamic changes after horizontal rectus muscle surgery in 32 eyes of 16 patients; nine male, seven female. Recession / resection surgery was undertaken for two horizontal rectus...

MicroRNA inhibits corneal neovascularisation

MicroRNAs (miR) are small non-coding RNA that target mRNA for destruction. MiR target about 30% of the protein coding genes and fine tune their expression. MiR have been shown to be involved in several cellular processes including cell cycle, tissue...

Corneal stroma modelling under hypoxic conditions

The cornea is exposed to hypoxia under several conditions including sleep, inflammation and wound healing. Being an avascular tissue to maintain transparency, how the cornea homeostatic controls oxygen tension is important. To address this process two models were utilised; a...

OCTA FAZ measurements in vein occlusion

Previous studies have confirmed that foveal avascular zone (FAZ) enlargement is correlated with visual acuity impairment in patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO). This current study aimed to evaluate the OCT angiography parameters: the area of FAZ, foveal and parafoveal...

The clinical spectrum of albinism

The authors sought to examine clinical correlates that may be related to foveal development in albinism with an aim to qualitatively describe the phenotype spectrum of albinism. Binocular best corrected visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to 20/80. Best corrected visual...

Immunoglobulin G4-related ophthalmic disease – what is it? (Part 1)

Part 1: Epidemiology, classification, radiology, histopathology and associations (see Part 2 here) In this two-part series, Li Yen Goh reviews IgG4 disease and reminds us of diagnostic challenges faced. Introduction Immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4) disease is a recently recognised idiopathic systemic...