Top Tips
Ophthalmic viscoelastic devices: Useful insights for a novice cataract surgeon
Ophthalmic viscoelastic devices (OVDs) are essential in many different stages of cataract surgery. This article discusses the categories of OVDs and their respective properties, and highlights their uses in different scenarios faced in cataract surgery. Ophthalmic viscoelastic devices are gel-like...
Commonest mistakes during the refraction certificate exam
Ophthalmology specialty trainees are required to pass the refraction certificate exam within the first two years of training. If one passes this exam before entering a training programme, this can add two points to the portfolio during applications. In this...
Neurofibromatosis type 2 – diagnosis, features and MDT approach
NF2 is a genetic condition caused by mutation in a single gene (NF2 gene) on chromosome 22. The NF2 gene provides instructions to produce a protein called merlin, also known as schwannomin. This protein functions as a tumour suppressor, preventing...
Management of squint with near-distance angle disparity
These are a group of strabismus disorders where the angle of misalignment is different between near and distance. The focus of this article will be on the patients where the angle for near exceeds the distance angle by more than...
Cataract surgery supervision
Senior trainees supervising other more junior trainees’ cataract surgery is a skill which needs to be taught and developed with care. It is beneficial for senior trainees as it provides an opportunity to develop supervision techniques prior to consultancy and...
Managing cataract surgery in a patient with diabetic maculopathy
A 56-year-old type 2 diabetic with previously treated bilateral diabetic maculopathy develops a cataract requiring surgery in the right eye. He has had grid laser previously, followed intermittently by intravitreal triamcinalone, Avastin and more recently Lucentis in both eyes. His...
Cataract surgery in uveitis patients
Cataract formation is a common complication of uveitis, causing up to 40% of vision loss in these patients. Cataract results from inflammation +/- corticosteroid therapy and is usually posterior subcapsular, but a small proportion have a rapid increase in nuclear...
The perfect interview to land the dream consultant job
Eight top tips for consultant interviews: 1. A person is not just an ophthalmologist. Trusts are appointing the person not just the ophthalmologist. On a consultant interview panel (AAC) there will be non-ophthalmologists (e.g. medical director, chief executive, lay chair)...
Managing a dislocated intraocular lens
A 70-year-old male patient is referred from the optician with a history of onset of double vision and examination shows a dislocated / subluxated IOL. How will you manage this patient? If the double vision is causing serious concern to...