You searched for "sclera"

201 results found

Simulated intravitreal injection training – the way forward

Simulated surgical training is now recommended in the training curricula of all ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom [1]. Simulated training allows for familiarisation with a procedure, exercises the discipline of repetition, allows the resolution of technical difficulties and enables refinement...

Quiz Oct/Nov 2024

History An 83-year-old female was previously treated by surgical excision and plaque brachytherapy for her left conjunctival lesion. She presented to her ophthalmologist with a recurrence some years later and underwent a lid sparing orbital exenteration, which was sent to...

Aug/Sep 2015 Quiz 2

History A two-year-old female child presented with loss of vision in her left eye. Examination showed leukocoria and intraocular calcification was identified on scanning. The suspected diagnosis was intraocular retinoblastoma and the child underwent an enucleation. The eyeball was submitted...

Lines, dots, spots and rings in ophthalmology: understanding eponyms

Eponymous names are familiar to all who have undergone undergraduate and postgraduate training in medicine. The ability to name a few allows one to stand out among your peers and rare, or not so rare, eponymous syndromes are a favourite...

Doctor prints cornea on demand!

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Doctor prints cornea on demand! Dr Hideo Kodama from the Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute first...

The blue-light hazard – is it true?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: The blue-light hazard – is it true? Blue light is part of the visible optical spectrum...

Ocular Dirofilariasis: a diagnosis on the rise?

Dirofilaria repens is one of 40 species of Dirofilaria. It is a zoonotic filarial nematode that commonly impacts dogs, however, human infection can occur through affected organs like skin, lung and eyes [1]. Although, there have been case reports of...

Choroidal melanoma – breaking bad news

Case report A 55-year-old Caucasian female presented to her general practitioner with a three-month history of headaches and worsening blurred vision in the left eye. On further close questioning, she reported no eye pain, intermittent floaters and flashes of light...

ISD-DE (International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye) Meeting 2024

by Jane Olver, FRCS FRCOphth, President ISD-DE and 2024 London Meeting Organiser, owner and Medical Director, Consultant Oculoplastic Surgeon, Clinica London. The International Society of Dacryology and Dry Eye (ISD-DE) 2024 update course and scientific meeting ran between 29, 30...

Undetected retinoblastoma management following vitrectomy

This retrospective study from a single-centre referral university hospital in Germany analysed data collected between 1991-2019 to comment on management and complications of undetected retinoblastoma eyes following vitrectomy. The 10 patients included had a mean age of 36.1 months (range...

Risk factors and prognosis of paediatric open globe injuries

This retrospective, comparative, interventional case-control study was aimed to investigate possible risk factors and prognosis of initial no light perception (NLP) in paediatric open globe injuries (POGI). A total of 851 cases were reviewed, including 837 unilateral cases and 14...

2018 update on intravitreal injections

In this review article the authors have highlighted the standardised and structured approach to intravitreal injections (IVI) by examining the recent evidence-based literature. IVI is the most commonly performed procedure worldwide with low potential risk of endophthalmitis. IOP spikes are...