You searched for "interventions"

1497 results found

Sight Sciences: Early Intervention with Implant-Free MIGS. The OMNI Surgical System

Agenda 18:30 Arrival & Refreshments19:00 Introductions & Welcome : Ms. Indira Madgula (Moderator), Royal Preston Hospital19:15 The Patients’ Perspective : Why MIGS, Why OMNI: Dr. Andrew Tatham, Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, Edinburgh19:45 Q&A - Discussion20:15 Close - Buffet Dinner

RCOphth (The Royal College of Ophthalmologists) Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery course

This course is designed to serve as an introduction to ophthalmic surgery and will offer an opportunity for trainees to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus will be on hands-on...

Practical Handbook for Small-Gauge Vitrectomy

The authors have set out to produce a readable, comprehensive handbook designed to instil a working knowledge in the speciality. The authors have indeed achieved their objective and created a dynamic, well-structured, stimulating book. As vitreo-retinal surgery is a rapidly...

Essentials of OCT in Ocular Disease

Sir Isaac Newton was the first to establish the technique of low coherence white light interferometry. Following on from this, the principle of laser interferometry as an imaging modality for retina was applied by David Huang and his associates in...

Short-term outcome after intravitreal ranibizumab injections for ROP

This is an interventional case series study of three premature babies (six eyes) with high risk prethreshold or threshold retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) with plus disease that received intravitreal ranibizumab injections for ROP. All infants received intravitreal ranibizumab injections of...

Trab360: surgical management of childhood glaucoma

This multicentre retrospective interventional case series reports the outcomes and complications of trabeculotomy ab interno using the Trab360 device in childhood glaucoma’s. Forty-six eyes of 41 patients were included and had a mean follow-up of 14.5 months. Mean preoperative intraocular...

Choroidal vascularity in NAION

The authors present a cross-sectional, non-interventional study of healthy volunteers and those with non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) recruited over a six-month period at a single site. NAION is the most common cause of acute optic neuropathy over the...

Preoperative anxiety levels and pain during cataract surgery

Increased anxiety has been shown to be associated with greater pain in a number of procedures. In this observational, non-interventional study, the authors sought to evaluate the correlation between pain with phacoemulsification surgery (under topical and intracameral local anaesthesia) and...

Visual field progression after glaucoma drainage device implantation

This retrospective interventional case series assessed changes to visual fields after implantation of a glaucoma drainage device (Baerveldt, Ahmed or Molteno Devices) between 2010 and 2015. A total of 106 eyes from 96 patients were included in the final analysis...

Customised corneal crosslinking with supplemental oxygen

In this prospective interventional case series, the authors investigate using supplemental oxygen delivery during epithelium-on corneal crosslinking (CXL) with specially designed oxygen delivery goggles. Twenty-seven eyes of 24 patients underwent epi-on CXL with Riboflavin and Ultraviolet-A irradiation. At six months...

Is laser refractive surgery safe for patients taking isotretinoin?

This multicentre, retrospective, interventional case series assesses the outcomes of laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) in 113 patients taking isotretinoin between January 2003 and September 2017. Isotretinoin is contraindicated for LASIK and PRK and patients are...