Risk stratification to reduce intraoperative cataract surgical complications

The authors prospectively collected data on 1135 consecutive patients undergoing cataract surgery. They were risk stratified according to categories – A (no additional risk factors, 0 points), B (vitrectomy, corneal scarring, small pupil less than 3mm, shallow anterior chamber less...

Preoperative anxiety levels and pain during cataract surgery

Increased anxiety has been shown to be associated with greater pain in a number of procedures. In this observational, non-interventional study, the authors sought to evaluate the correlation between pain with phacoemulsification surgery (under topical and intracameral local anaesthesia) and...

Effect of phacoemulsification on facility of outflow

This is a prospective study to examine the change in electronic Schotz tonographic outflow (TOF) and IOP measurements after phacoemulsification. Intraocular pressure was measured using Goldman‘s applanation tonography (GAT). Data were collected at baseline, three, six and 12 months postoperatively....