You searched for "amblyopia"

217 results found

An update on inherited retinal disorders (part 2): Approaches to therapy for IRDs

Part 1 of this topic can be found here There are currently no proven cures for inherited retinal disease (IRD). However, multiple avenues of research are being investigated to better understand disease mechanisms and trial potential therapies that may slow...

Strabismus detection by Plusoptix S08

In this study the authors evaluate the accuracy and sensitivity of the Plusoptix S08 photoscreener in detecting strabismus problems in 83 patients aged from six months to 40 years (mean 105 months). A pass was achieved for 25 patients and...

What’s trending? Oct/Nov 2017

#NHSwaitingtimes, #NHSprivatisation, #NHSpostcodelottery The NHS in crisis seems ever topical, but this time, the focus is on long waiting times “driving people to turn to private treatment” [1], with hips, knees and eyes cited as common reasons for doing so....

Paediatric ophthalmology training in Malawi through the Vision 2020 LINKS Programme: a decade of partnership

Blinding eye disease in children can lead to a lifetime of dependence and non-productivity for the person afflicted. Sometimes a relatively simple condition such as a refractive error can lead to irreversible disability that could, if caught in time, have...

FAQs about cerebral visual impairment (CVI): identifying and helping those affected

Cerebral visual impairment is common in both adults and children, yet the diagnosis can easily be missed unless one is tuned into the presenting features. This article provides a succinct introduction to this important topic. What is vision? Vision is...

VISION 2020 LINKS Programme: building capacity for eye care services in Nigeria through leadership and skills development

The Lagos-Bolton VISION 2020 LINK started in December 2011. It is one of 29 LINKS now running in the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme [1]. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with a current population of 178 million, projected...

A three-way partnership between Nigeria, Tanzania and Northern Ireland

VISION 2020 LINKS between Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT), Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Northern Ireland with first ECWA Eye Hospital, Kano, Nigeria and now also with Mbeya Referral Hospital (MRH), Tanzania, have been beneficial to all three partners. From...

My ophthalmic elective: focusing on myopia in Taiwan

The authors describe their elective experience and delve further into high myopia, an emerging ophthalmic disease that is increasingly recognised in and outside Asia. The medical school elective programme presents an opportunity for students to conduct learning in their chosen...

Urban Changes and Rural Struggles for Ophthalmology in China

China is by far the most populated country in the world, with over 1.3 billion inhabitants. It is also the country with the highest number of blind and visually impaired people. As a developing country, half of China’s population lives...

A career in uveitis

As he retires from clinical practice, the author looks back on his long career in uveitis and how care of these patients has changed dramatically since his days as an undergraduate. My trainees and fellows are often bored by my...

My experience of the transition into a specialist orthoptist role

Michelle Dent discusses the process of transitioning into a new role and the pros and cons along the way. An opportunity arose for a permanent, full time, band 7 specialist role in the medical retina (MR) team in the Newcastle...

Life as a Global Citizen Consultant Ophthalmologist: a personal view of working in Scotland and Tanzania

Global Citizen post - a new challenge I was looking for a new challenge. I had been in the same consultant post with a subspecialty interest in paediatrics and strabismus for 17 years and was rattling around in an empty...