You searched for "OCT-A"

128 results found

Screening for Sickle Cell Retinopathy (SCR): Why we do wide-field imaging, OCT/OCT-A for SCR – Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I have been working in ophthalmology for over five years as a photographer and research co-ordinator, and it is fascinating, rewarding, and interesting to learn all about the different diseases associated with the eye. One condition that has been a...

Handbook of Pediatric Retinal OCT and the Eye-Brain Connection

Paediatric optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging of the eye remains an evolving technology to date. This handbook delves into this challenging area successfully and gives a comprehensive and detailed input into paediatric OCT pertaining to the retina and the optic...

Disc margin delineation using spectral domain OCT

Observing progressive anatomical changes of the optic nerve head is essential in the detection of progression in glaucoma. Imaging devices continue to evolve and are useful in detecting change in established glaucoma, although probably less useful in an initial diagnosis....

Anterior segment OCT imaging in cases of episcleritis and scleritis

The purpose of this study was to determine whether it is feasible to obtain good-quality images with anterior segment OCT (AS-OCT) in patients with episcleral or scleral inflammation located anterior to the equator, and whether this technique is able to...

OCT positioning regimen in macular hole surgery

The authors set out to evaluate an OCT-based positioning regimen for macular hole surgery. Patients were advised to maintain prone positioning until the hole was confirmed to be closed based on daily OCTs. Surgery consisted of 23-gauge phacovitrectomy with internal...

Choroidal thickness in ocular sarcoidosis by OCT measurement

This is the first study to evaluate the choroidal thickness in patients with ocular sarcoidosis during the quiescent phase using enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT) and comparing with normal subjects. Ocular sarcoidosis may affect the choroidal circulation (occlusive...

Practical Handbook of OCT (Retina, Choroid, Glaucoma)

With the rapid development and expansion in the usage of optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology there is always demand for a new OCT publication on the bookshelves. The operation and acquisition skills required are more easily acquired than for the...

Scheimpflug vs. OCT in measuring corneal thickness

The authors report on the reproducibility and repeatability of corneal thickness measurements using three different Scheimpflug imaging cameras (Pentacam, Sirius and Galilei) and one Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) system (RTvue-100). The rationale for this study is that corneal thickness...

Swept-source OCT for measuring peripheral anterior synechiae

The authors report on a cross-sectional study looking at swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for measuring the area and degree of peripheral anterior synechiae (PAS) in patients with angle closure glaucoma. The SS-OCT is commercially available, has a laser wavelength...

OCT-A imaging in Grave’s orbitopathy and orbital decompression

In this case series of 12 patients and 24 orbits, the authors describe the changes in the optic nerve and peripapillary blood vessel density in patients with moderate to severe Grave’s Orbitopathy (GO) undergoing orbital decompression. The patients undergoing orbital...

OCT measurements of eye muscles for Grave’s disease

The purpose of this study was to use optical coherence tomography (OCT) to assess horizontal rectus muscle thickening in patients with active and inactive Grave’s ophthalmopathy (GO) compared to healthy controls. This was a cross section observation study of rights...

Diagnostic accuracy of enhanced depth imaging OCT in children

The authors present the findings of a retrospective cross-sectional case series. Cases were identified using a treatment register having been evaluated in a set one-year period. Two ophthalmologists acted as masked image examiners for enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography...