Journal Reviews
Ocular manifestations of Whipple’s disease
In this retrospective review of 217 patients with Whipple’s disease (WD), the authors reviewed the presentations of those with ocular manifestations. Ocular signs of WD are under recognised, frequently resulting in misdiagnosis and mismanagement. Mayo Data Explorer, a Mayo Clinic...
Distribution, progression, and outcomes of inflammatory chorioretinal lesions
This study investigated the distribution and progression of multifocal choroiditis (MFC) inflammatory lesions in 25 eyes of 20 patients and their correlations with clinical outcomes at 24 months. The distribution of choroiditis inflammatory lesions were evaluated semi-automatically using a dedicated...
Diagnostic and prognostic roles of serum interleukin-6 in patients with uveitis
This is a retrospective observational case series investigating the diagnostic and prognostic role of serum interleukin (IL)-6 in patients with uveitis involving 80 patients – 60 patients (75%) with normal IL-6 levels and 20 patients (25%) with high IL-6 levels....
The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia
In this meta-analysis, the authors looked at 24 retrospective studies to determine the incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia following open globe injury amongst adult and paediatric populations. The year of publication of studies included ranged from 1972-2019, and with broad search...
Prevalence and incidence of uveitis
Uveitis encompasses a group of diseases characterised by the inflammation of fovea uvea which are potentially vision threatening. However, the frequency of this condition is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to provide estimates of the frequency of uveitis...
Clinical features of ocular syphilis
The study looked at 24 patients (20 males, four females) with serological evidence of syphilitic infection who presented to a tertiary ophthalmic centre. Ocular involvement was the first manifestation of syphilitic disease in 96% and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) seropositivity...
Viral uveitis
This review covers viral causes of anterior uveitis. A viral aetiology should be suspected when anterior uveitis is accompanied by ocular hypertension, diffuse stellate keratic precipitates or the presence of iris atrophy. Most common viruses associated are herpes simplex, varicella-zoster...
IOP in children with uveitis
This is a retrospective study of paediatric uveitis (<16-years-old) between July 2002 to June 2016 of a total of 320 children from a single centre: 17.2 % (55/320 patients) developed raised IOP requiring therapy; 11.5% of eyes required glaucoma surgery...
Effect of cataract surgery on inflammation control and vision in uveitis patients
This retrospective longitudinal study from Moorfields, London, UK compared uveitis recurrence rates and vision loss in 309 eyes of uveitis patients post cataract surgery to 300 control uveitis patients. Cataract is a common complication associated with uveitis and leads to...
Medical malpractice in uveitis: a review of clinical entities and outcomes
This paper presents a retrospective review of malpractice verdicts, rulings and settlements in the United States. Twenty-five cases of uveitis-related litigation spanning 1971-2014 were identified from the database representing 2.3% of all cases. Forty-eight percent of the cases were infectious....
Safety and outcome of microincision vitreous surgery in uveitis
This paper reports the outcomes of microincision vitreous surgery (MIVS) 23G/25G in uveitis of 103 patients (106 eyes) who underwent diagnostic MIVS over a period of four years at the Advanced Eye centre in Chandigarth India. The postoperative evaluation included...
Uveitic glaucoma
The purpose of this retrospective study from two tertiary Institutions in Israel over a period of 13 years, is to present the long-term outcomes of uveitic glaucoma and to identify risk factors for progression. The study included 34 patients (53...