Journal Reviews
Smartphone use impact on accommodation and convergence measures
This study aimed to explore the relationship between smartphone use impact on the mean triad and potential pre-existent risk factors for acute acquired comitant esotropia (AACE). A prospective study of 18 university staff and students aged 24 years (SD 7.7)...
Ocular motility parameters in phakic and pseudophakic older people
The aim of this study was to compare the extent of phoria, strabismus and convergence of pseudophakic vs phakic people in an elderly population. The study was part of the Tehran Geriatric Eye Study (TGES). Of 3791 invitees, 3310 participated...
Characteristics of age-related distance esotropia
The primary aim of this study was to describe clinical characteristics and natural history of age-related distance esotropia (ARDET) within an adult cohort over a 20-year period. This was a retrospective review of 73 patients from 751 with adult onset...
Hess vs. Harms vs. PCT measurements
This study aimed to compare the results of the different tests in 36 strabismus patients and 18 healthy controls aged 6-81 years. Tests included alternate prism cover test, Hess screen and Harms screen. Because of glasses restrictions with the Harms...
Distance esotropia due to excessive near work
The authors aimed to review cases with divergence insufficiency esotropia in 12 young adults associated with excessive near work. Patients were aged 28.17 ±4.06 years and had normal external, anterior / posterior segment examinations and no neurological signs. Ten had...
Mediation of vertical vergence
The authors hypothesised that if vertical vergence were mediated by vertical rectus muscles, then the eye that moves during a vertical fusion task would produce larger vertical vergence when abducted versus adducted. Similarly, if mediated by the oblique muscles then...
Fusional vergence measurement
This paper reports a systematic review to address two objectives: 1, to compare the normative values of tests measuring fusional vergence; 2, to investigate sources of heterogeneity of prism accuracy. The review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines with a...
Prism adaptation outcomes in convergence excess esotropia
This study reports the changes to angle of deviation following prism adaptation in a group of 58 patients with convergence excess esotropia and their surgical outcomes. Age at prism adaptation was 7.2 (SD1.82) years. One child refused prisms and two...
Iranian values for childhood convergence
The authors aimed to determine near point of convergence (NPC) values in a population-based study in Iranian schoolchildren with a large sample size. They explored its relation to factors such as age, gender, refractive error and near point of accommodation....
AC/A measurement differences
The authors sought to investigate differences in stimulus accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratio using various techniques and accommodative stimuli. The study included 81 orthoptic students; 15 males and 66 females with a mean age of 21 years ±1. Ocular deviation was...
Vertical disparity effects on horizontal fusion
This study was designed to investigate the effect of induced vertical disparity by prisms on horizontal fusional reserves at near distance. One hundred and seventy students were recruited and vertical disparity was induced by small vertical prisms of 0.5 and...
Testing fusional amplitude
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of varied testing distance and order of testing on fusion amplitudes in subjects with normal eye examinations, along with impact of examination encouragement and subject level of alertness. Average age...