Book Reviews archive for 2015
Atlas of Glaucoma Third edition
Glaucoma patients constitute a significant proportion of any ophthalmology clinic. Hence, a basic understanding, evaluation and management of the condition form part of the essential clinical skillset of any ophthalmologist. Atlas of Glaucoma is a good read and very useful...
Multimodal Retinal Imaging
Understanding of rapidly advancing retinal imaging techniques is important as they have changed the management of retinal conditions considerably. Interpretation of these tests is a vital skill in the armamentarium of every practising ophthalmologist. The book is directed at general...
Ophthalmology for Medical Students DVD
Medical students spend far too little time in clinical ophthalmology, barely a week in a whole five year course. A week usually taken up by learning very basic facts about the eye and about the specialty, which means that any...
Ophthalmic DOPS and OSATS: The Handbook for Work-Based Assessments
The first thing to say is: “I wish I’d had this book when I was an ST1!” The number of work-based assessments (WBA) required during ophthalmic specialist training (OST) is a daunting prospect to trainee ophthalmologists, particularly ST1s with no...
Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology Third Edition
The Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology came out in 2006 and is now in its third edition. It is a valuable concise resource with over 1000 pages to cover initial assessment, diagnosis and management of a comprehensive range of ophthalmic problems....
Understanding Strabismus
This book is well written and offers a concise yet in-depth understanding of the subject of strabismus. Although the target audience of the book are the ophthalmologists in training, all grades of ophthalmologists who are looking for a systematic and...
The Sclera and Systemic Disorders (3rd Edition)
An interesting historical introduction captures the reader’s attention as the journey begins into exploring the peculiarities and pathologies of ‘dura tunica of Vesalius’, a term coined by anatomists of the middle ages. This refers to what we today identify as...
The Eye in History
Amongst the numerous texts that are available, one occasionally encounters a history of ophthalmology. There is such rapid development of technology in recent years and one can get drawn into the minutiae of a particular subject, losing track of the...
Rapid Ophthalmology
The book is written by a specialist trainee and as the name suggests is indeed a rapid novice’s guide to ophthalmology. The target audience are the medics and junior doctors who need a brush up or exam revision. However, the...
Image Analysis and Modelling in Ophthalmology
Recent advances have revolutionised ophthalmic imaging and helped understand the pathophysiology of ocular diseases and thus help in the diagnosis and management of ocular diseases. The authors of this book have gone through most of the available imaging techniques available...
Handbook of Retinal OCT
This is not a large colour atlas for optical coherence tomography (OCT) with comprehensive reference lists offering an in-depth description of this popular technology, but an up-to-date pocket or handbag-sized, soft-backed textbook that is likely to become a well-thumbed primer...
Developments in Ophthalmology: Ophthalmic Radiation Therapy Techniques and Applications
Radiation was discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895, and since then has been used to treat a variety of cancers. Its therapeutic properties have been widely used for ocular and periocular tumours and inflammatory disease, but the present era is...