Ophthalmology Made Easy

Ophthalmology Made Easy by Michelle Attzs and Twishaa Sheth is a concise yet comprehensive guide that delivers essential ophthalmic knowledge in a digestible format. This book stands out for its accessibility and clarity, making it an invaluable resource for medical...

FOUNDATIONS OF INTRAOCULAR MICROSURGERY – Principles for Elite Performance Volume 1: Systemic Challenges

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed intraocular surgery performed in the UK. It takes years of meticulous practice and experience to master the surgery and become a safe and slick surgeon. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.” Anticipating...

Clinical Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography

Clinical Applications of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography provides an informative, up-to-date review of the numerous applications of OCTA in ophthalmology. This book highlights the ways in which this relatively recent non-invasive imaging technique has been an invaluable tool for our...

300 MCQs for the Duke Elder Ophthalmology Exam

The Duke Elder undergraduate prize examination is held by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists annually for undergraduate medical students. It is a competitive examination covering clinical ophthalmology as well as the ocular basic sciences, optics, statistics and socio-economic medicine. For...

Misty Mole Gets New Glasses

Misty Mole Gets New Glasses is an illustrated children’s book written by doctor Dr Yasmin El Rouby and illustrated by Ishy Walters. Together, they’ve managed to craft a beautifully written short story that highlights what it’s like moving through life...