You searched for "zonules"

475 results found

Eye drop prescription and usage in glaucoma patients

The authors describe a study using a questionnaire to determine how patients use their glaucoma medications to investigate the association between patterns of eye drop prescriptions and medication use. They enrolled 67 Japanese patients who had been prescribed topical anti-glaucoma...

Watch your back: Ergonomics and Ophthalmology

Aadil Hussain discusses an ophthalmologist’s risk of musculoskeletal injury and highlights the importance of ergonomics education, to ensure a pain-free career. Chronic and disabling musculoskeletal injury has been identified in the field of ophthalmology with increasing prevalence. The ophthalmologist is...

Oct/Nov 2015 Quiz

History A 16-year-old female presents with bilateral ocular irritation. The patient has a history of seasonal rhinitis and eczema and complains of itchy eyes, especially during the summer months. Examination shows bilateral mucoid discharge, conjunctival injection and eversion of both...

The approach to trabeculectomy postoperative complications

Performing a trabeculectomy is like giving birth to a baby. It may be traumatic and there is scope for devastating error but once the operation is completed only then does the real work begin. The bleb must be nurtured into...

Pentacam vs. IOL Master keratometry measurement in IOL power calculations

The IOL Master measures only the anterior corneal curvature and estimates the total corneal power by assuming a fixed relationship between the anterior and posterior corneal surface. The Pentacam measures both the anterior and posterior corneal surface and therefore calculates...

Brain tumours in adults: the essentials for an ophthalmologist

The author provides a review of the common intracranial tumours in adults (other than pituitaries) which may present to an ophthalmologist. Primary malignant brain tumours comprise 3% of adult cancers but with an ageing population such tumours are becoming more...

Scotland's Bottle Deposit Return Scheme – have visually impaired people even been considered?

Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans have welcomed the delay to the Bottle Deposit Return Scheme and are urging the Scottish Government to use this time to consider the implications it will have for visually impaired people.

Thyroid recession drift

The authors investigated patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy (TO) who underwent unilateral inferior rectus recession for hypotropia with or without adjustable sutures to determine extent of postoperative surgical alignment. Group A comprised 13 TO patients with inferior rectus recession with adjustable...

Binocular summation with low contrast

The magnitude of binocular summation was investigated in normal control subjects using four different letter charts of varying type with fixed and variable contrast levels and spatial frequency to determine which tests most readily reveal binocular summation in normal subjects....

Strabismus and binocular summation

The authors conducted a pilot study to investigate the effect of visual noise or background complexity on binocular summation in patients with strabismus. A target embedded in pixel noise was used. The study involved performance of a task detecting a...

Reported cases of hemifield slide phenomenon

This article reports three cases of hemifield slide, a phenomenon whereby there is an inability to stabilise and fuse visual hemifields. It occurs with heteronymous visual field loss and is thought to result from the loss of corresponding retinal points....

Mobile phone use with esotropia development

This study analysed clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes in patients with acquired comitant esotropia (ACET) and determined the prevalence of excessive mobile touch screen device use in these patients. This was a retrospective study of 35 patients of which three...