You searched for "patient"

3452 results found

Association between diabetes mellitus and dry eye disease

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is currently one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the United States. It is estimated that 12.3% of Americans suffer from DM. In this study the authors compare between dry eye and diabetes mellitus among a...

Just sign here: the intricacies of consent in the post-Montgomery era

The consent process is a vital part of the patient pathway and is far more than just getting the patient to sign on the dotted line. In my work in litigation I often see issues around informed consent resulting in...

Myopic choroidal neovascularisation

This is a review article summarising the latest myopic CNV (choroidal neovascularisation) literature in the clinical experience and management outcomes for recommendation algorithm. The aetiology of the myopic CNV was discussed by the authors under the heading of the heredo-degenerative...

Infections related to strabismus surgery

This review considers the range of infections occurring with strabismus surgery. Extraocular infections include conjunctiva, sub Tenon’s abscess and orbital cellulitis. Intraocular infection includes endophthalmitis. Prevention of infection and risk factors includes the issue of scleral penetration and use of...

The Eye Health Network – an ‘optometry-first’ approach to eye care

Historically, in NHS Grampian, ophthalmology and optometry worked separately, with even the process of optometry referral to hospital occurring only at the behest of the patient’s general practitioner (GP). Criteria for referral were not discussed and feedback after referral was...

Hydroxychloroquine toxicity

Being the subject of litigation is stressful and upsetting. Having to look back over your previous decisions and justify the care you delivered in good faith can be difficult. Sadly, we all live with the Sword of Damocles above us...

Interspecialty referrals

Referrals between the many and varied branches of ophthalmology sometimes underline how sub-specialised we have all become nowadays. The old era when everyone was an ophthalmic jack of all trades is gone, for better or for worse, and instead of...

Strabismus detection by digital photography

The overall aim of this study was to develop an algorithm to acquire, validate and analyse digital photos to detect manifest strabismus and inform whether referral is required. The authors describe a method to measure the difference in location of...

Reflections of a Pupil: What Your Med School and Ophthalmology Textbooks Can’t Teach You (But What Your Mentors, Colleagues and Patients Will)

Reflections of a Pupil is a thought-provoking collection of anecdotes, clinical pearls and life lessons written by Ophthalmologist R Rishi Gupta. While ophthalmologists have a seemingly endless collection of textbooks to choose from to build their knowledge, this book offers...

Innovative 3D printing could revolutionise treatment for cataracts and other eye conditions

University of East Anglia researchers have made a significant breakthrough in ocular device technology with the introduction of a novel resin for 3D printing intraocular devices. This innovation has potential to enhance the manufacture of eye implants universally used in cataract and refractive surgeries.

Providing well-developed education materials can improve follow-up attendance for retinopathy of prematurity screening

he authors present a repeated measures study with parents of children at risk of developing retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). Inclusion criteria for the study was parents with children born at <32 weeks or with a birth weight under 1.5kg. Participants...

Neuro-ophthalmological symptoms in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis

The authors of this article have evaluated the neuro-ophthalmological symptoms of 49 patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. They have evaluated the onset of the disease as well as the symptoms reported. The authors present extensive clinical information for individual...