You searched for "pathology"

1013 results found

Prevalence of visual function impairment in congenital ptosis

This study sought to evaluate the prevalence of visual function loss in the setting of congenital ptosis. This was a retrospective study of 155 eyes of 134 patients; 72 males and 62 females. Mean age at diagnosis was 7.8 ±5.8...

Dilate or not in subconjunctival haemorrhage?

There is often surprisingly little evidence in common clinical conditions. Spontaneous non-traumatic subconjunctival haemorrhage (SCH) is frequently encountered in emergency and walk-in clinic visits. In some centres, a dilated fundus exam is performed to exclude retinal pathology. This retrospective study...

Normative reference values for optic nerve sheath diameter in children

The purpose of this study was to measure optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) in paediatric patients without pathology using brain CT performed for various reasons and to provide normal tomographic reference values. This was a retrospective study of CT scans...

Photophobia: an unusual symptom of a pituitary macroadenoma

Introduction Photophobia, defined as ‘an abnormal intolerance to light’, is commonly associated with a range of both ocular and neurological pathologies such as dry eye, blepharospasm, corneal pathologies, cataracts, uveitis, retinal dystrophies, optic neuritis, migraine, meningitis, and traumatic brain injury...

Unravelling ocular motility

Ocular motility can often be a slightly abstract concept during the earlier years of ophthalmology training. A large variance on what embodies normality; mythical concepts like fusion and binocular vision, examination techniques that can be fiddly, and complex neuroanatomy all...

The eyes of healthy children effected by virtual schooling

The authors aimed to assess how the increased use of technology during a day of virtual school as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic affected the eyes of healthy children. Children aged 10 to 17 years who attended school virtually...

Systemic and Ophthalmic Management of Diabetes Mellitus

Chris Steele, the Head of Optometry in Sunderland Eye Infirmary, has a wealth of experience and knowledge in retinal pathology and has recently published what is now his second book on diabetes. This has been a major undertaking, taking three...

Cataract surgery in small adult eyes

This is a retrospective audit of a five year study period, between the periods of January 2006 to December 2010, where a surgical log book search was performed. The inclusion criteria of this study were intraocular lenses (IOL) power greater...

Lacquer cracks

The purpose of this Japanese study was to analyse the morphologic features and natural progression patterns of lacquer cracks (LC). The presence of linear hyperfluorescence on the fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) was used as the standard for diagnosing the presence...

Radiologic characteristics of cavernous venous malformations

This study is a retrospective review of cases with a preoperative radiologic diagnosis of cavernous venous malformations (CVMs) over 30 years. The aim of this study was to define imaging characteristics of CVMs, which will help differentiate these lesions from...

Comparison of false-negative responses in glaucoma patients and normal observers

The authors compared false negative rates for full threshold (FULL) and Swedish Interactive Threshold Algorithm (SITA) standard automated perimetry in healthy control subjects and glaucoma patients. Twenty-four subjects underwent visual field testing of one eye five times within six weeks...

The Sclera and Systemic Disorders (3rd Edition)

An interesting historical introduction captures the reader’s attention as the journey begins into exploring the peculiarities and pathologies of ‘dura tunica of Vesalius’, a term coined by anatomists of the middle ages. This refers to what we today identify as...