You searched for "orthoptic"

272 results found

VISION 2020 LINKS Programme: the Madagascar-Leeds LINK

Madagascar is a fascinating and culturally rich island which has an ‘exotic’ status in most people’s eyes. Yet it is among the poorest countries in the world. According to the World Bank, 92% of the population live on less than...

The invisible touch: a VISION 2020 LINK with Indonesia

Indonesia’s population, the world’s fourth largest, is spread across 6,000 inhabited islands. Whilst some areas (e.g. Kalimantan, Papua) are relatively sparsely populated, Java is the world’s most densely populated island, with twice the population of the UK in half the...

Effect of minor trauma in eyes with previously undiagnosed angioid streaks

Angioid streaks (AS) may be associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), Paget’s disease, haemoglobulinopathies, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or abetalipoproteinaemia. Histopathology showed retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choriocapillaris loss, elastic fibre degeneration, calcium deposition, active choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM) and vascular endothelial growth...

Macular imagery: observing the visual sensations pre- and post-Jetrea injections

A 63-year-old woman, a professional painter, was diagnosed with vitreomacular traction (VMT) in 2017. She had a history of metamorphopsia, drop in visual acuity (VA) in the left eye (6/6 in the RE; 6/18 in the LE), foveal vitreomacular traction...

Investigation of blood platelet parameters in anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy

The aim of this clinical retrospective comparative study was to assess the possible relationship between arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AAION) and non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) with blood platelet parameters and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR). The medical records of...

A novel way to distinguish between types of anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy

The authors evaluate the monocyte to high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio (MHR) in patients with arteritic and non arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (A-AION / NA-AION). A distinction between the two types of AION is essential to begin appropriate treatment, which...

A retrospective medical notes review in patients with poor vision due to NAION

Very severe visual loss (hand movements or less) is typical of arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AION) and relatively rare in non-arteritic AION (NAION). This study aimed to report the frequency of very poor visual acuity (VA) in NAION. The...

The ophthalmologist’s elbow: a potentially painful point of contact

Three months ago I leant, in the customary manner, on the box of my indirect lens at the slit lamp to examine a patient’s fundus. An acute and severe pain in the tip of my elbow immediately interrupted me. I...

New IGA research award

Applications open for new £50,000 glaucoma research Allied Healthcare professionals award The International Glaucoma Association (IGA) announces call for applications for new £50,000 Allied Healthcare professionals award for glaucoma research. The new award, which opened on 21 October 2019 and...

Deadline approaching for Edinburgh scholarship applications

The University of Edinburgh has opened applications for scholarships to its two online courses, the MSc in Primary Care Ophthalmology and the ChM in Clinical Ophthalmology.

British Council for Prevention of Blindness has a new Chairman

BCPB’s new Chairman Mr Michael Burdon FRCOphth FRCP is a consultant ophthalmologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with a specialist interest in neuro-ophthalmology.

A Case-Based Guide to Eye Pain: Perspectives from Ophthalmology and Neurology

A refreshing, systematic approach to eye pain, arguably one of the most commonly presenting symptoms and one that can be fraught with diagnostic challenges and management dilemmas for the busy clinician. There is a scarcity of books covering this particular...