You searched for "occlusions"

982 results found

Conservative management of concomitant strabismus

The aim of management for all patients with strabismus should centre around four goals: to prevent amblyopia, to alleviate symptoms, to restore binocular single vision (BSV) and to improve ocular alignment. The conservative management options available for strabismus include observation,...

Shifting the paradigm of managing patients in medical retina: how real-world data can help us to improve clinical practice

The ophthalmic subspecialty of ‘medical retina’ has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. With the introduction of ranibizumab (Lucentis, Novartis), a specialty formerly dominated by laser-based therapies has been transformed to become, in large part, pharmacotherapy-based. To date, these pharmacotherapies...

Age-related distance esotropia – what are the clinical characteristics?

The authors present a retrospective case review of individuals with primary divergence insufficiency or age-related distance esotropia, over a 15-year period. Inclusion criteria allow for the difference between near and distance angles to be patient reported or objectively measured. One...

Management of squint with near-distance angle disparity

These are a group of strabismus disorders where the angle of misalignment is different between near and distance. The focus of this article will be on the patients where the angle for near exceeds the distance angle by more than...

Assessment of slow and fast vergence in stroke survivors

The authors present the findings of a prospective cohort study. Three hundred and five stroke survivors were recruited consecutively. The following exclusion criteria were applied; aphasia, cognitive impairment, visual inattention, ocular motor nerve palsy and neuromuscular disease. Fifty age-matched controls...

Bilateral versus unilateral recession outcomes for intermittent exotropia

The aim of this study was to compare surgical motor and sensory outcomes of unilateral versus bilateral lateral rectus recessions in children with small angle intermittent exotropia. This was a retrospective study of 55 patients; 28 bilateral and 27 unilateral...

Should we move towards procedure-specific consent forms?

The consent process represents the patient’s acceptance of the information provided to them and an agreement to undergo an intervention as suggested by a health professional. Effective doctor-patient communication, ensuring the succinct delivery of the necessary points in a way...

A case of Miller Fisher Syndrome and bilateral asymmetric globe retraction

Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) is a rare, acquired nerve disease that is considered to be a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. It was first recognised by James Collier in 1932 as a clinical triad of ataxia, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia. Later, it...

Using perimetry to support lesion location in the retrochiasmal visual pathway

The authors present a retrospective case review of patients with homonymous hemianopia from a 30-year period. Inclusion criteria included completion of perimetry within two years of diagnosis and a MRI brain. Data extracted from the records included demographics, diagnosis details...

Evaluation of Optive® in ocular discomfort after anti-VEGF intravitreal injection

In this study the authors prospectively evaluated the efficacy of Optive® eye drops after in full, then abbreviation - intravitreal injection (IVT). Patients naïve to IVT were included in the study. No artificial tear treatment was prescribed after the first...

Study calls for thorough investigation of patients with early signs of retinal vascular disease

Patients with the eye condition Paracentral Acute Middle Maculopathy (PAMM) would benefit from further investigation, as their risk of heart attacks and strokes may be greater than previously shown, suggests a new study led by researchers at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Direct endoscopic probing for congenital lacrimal duct obstruction

The most common treatment for congenital lacrimal duct obstruction (CLDO) is probing, which is traditionally a blind procedure. Previous literature reports success rates between 78-92%. The authors of this retrospective non comparative case series reviewed the success rates of probing...