You searched for "neuropathy"

612 results found

Best way to detect glaucoma progression: by reflecting on the past 25 years

Glaucoma – a condition of optic neuropathy leading to progressive visual field loss often associated with raised intraocular pressure. It is fair to say that our definition for this condition has remained unchanged over the last 25 years and the...

Another plant-based remedy for the eye?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Another plant-based remedy for the eye? What do the nicknames Mary Jane, tea, and 420 all...

Warfarin Induced Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage Presenting as Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma

Spontaneous suprachoroidal haemorrhage is a rare but recognised entity. Anticoagulant therapy is a well known risk factor. We describe a case of warfarin induced suprachoroidal haemorrhage presenting as acute angle closure glaucoma in a patient with raised International Normalised Ratio...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...

Protecting retinal ganglion cells

Glaucoma is considered to be a heterogeneous group of conditions giving retinal ganglion cells (RGC) damage. Lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) reduces the risk of progressive RGC loss in glaucoma. Regeneration of the optic nerve has been shown to restore some...

Transforming eyecare with AI at 100% Optical

“We are drowning in people we need to see in hospital eye services, and some people are going blind as a result. We are looking at nearly 10m hospital appointments for ophthalmology a year, with an approximately 33% increase over...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a clinician’s perspective

Introduction Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). The term herpes is derived from a Greek work, herpein, which means ‘creeping’ and the word zoster means a belt or a girdle...

Abducens nerve palsy following surgical correction of craniosynostosis

The authors present two cases of unilateral abducens palsy secondary to a recent trans-sutural distraction osteogenesis (TSuDO) operation for craniosynostosis. The basic principle of the TSuDO procedure is described as dissection and distraction of the prematurely fused sutures. This complication...

Association between serum triglycerides and pan retinal photocoagulation in type 1 diabetes

This retrospective cohort study aimed to examine whether dyslipidaemia is a risk factor for progressing to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) and consequently requiring pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP) treatment in type 1 diabetics. In previous studies including the ETDRS study an...

Typical and atypical optic neuritis – diagnosis and initial management

Optic neuritis is a relatively common presentation to ophthalmologists in the acute setting. The vast majority are cases of ‘typical’ optic neuritis (ON) but a smaller group of conditions, so-called, ‘atypical’ optic neuritides require a different work-up and management strategy....

Headaches in ophthalmology (part 2)

Ophthalmologists see a large number of patients with headaches or facial pain in the ophthalmic outpatient clinics or in emergency clinics. Over two articles, I will discuss several causes of headaches, ocular manifestations and proposed management and referral options. It...

Artists Unite: hear from artist Lindsey Whitelaw

An art exhibition examining sight loss opened as part of the Wandsworth Arts Fringe in London on 10 June. Artist Lindsey Whitelaw spoke to Eye News about her process, and the influence of visual impairment on her work.