You searched for "nAMD"

431 results found

Vision loss during Eylea treatment for AMD

This report investigated patients who lost more than two lines of vision despite periodic injections of aflibercept and explored the factors associated with vision loss. One hundred and ninety-six eyes were included in this study over a two year period....

Effect of anti-VEGF treatment on PED morphology

This retrospective study of 30 eyes assessed the effect of anti-VEGF on morphology of pigment epithelial detachments (PED) secondary to age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Thirty eyes of 28 patients with PED were compared to 30 eyes of 30 patients with...

Combined anti-VEGF and PDT for wet AMD

The authors report on a retrospective case series of combined anti-VEGF and photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) refractory to anti-VEGF monotherapy alone. The criteria for treatment failure of anti-VEGF monotherapy were persistent subretinal...

Glaucoma UK reveals new name, website and branding

Glaucoma UK - formerly the International Glaucoma Association - is using this year’s Glaucoma Awareness Week (GAW) to launch a new name, visual identity and website for the charity, with the aim of reaching more people who have glaucoma, or who are at risk of glaucoma.

Good news: new study links moderate wine consumption to lower risk of cataract surgery

An observational study published today in Ophthalmology (the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology) indicates that low to moderate alcohol consumption is associated with a lower risk of requiring surgery for cataracts, although the nature of the study means it does not definitively prove a direct causal effect.

Whiteboard illustrations added to pre-surgery timeout procedure

The authors present results of a quality improvement initiative. A whiteboard illustrated with right and left eyes with views of the extraocular muscles was developed, the board also contained spaces for the patient’s name, deviation, versions and the procedure name....

Use of white coat and greetings

This study was undertaken to characterise the practice patterns of paediatric ophthalmologists regarding their use of white coats and salutations in outpatient visits. A questionnaire was sent to American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) members with a response...

The disease burden of AMD

In this multi-centre, prospective, observational, time and motion study the authors assessed the time burden of managing wet AMD for doctors, staff, patients and caregivers in the USA. The study spanned the period from March 2011 to August 2012, and...

Clinical relevance of the anatomic classification of neovascular age-related macular degeneration

The author explains why an OCT-based classification of neovascular AMD is needed and how these neovascular subtypes may help to predict patients’ long-term visual outcome. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative process involving the macula in...

Eye News to partner with AOP Young Ophthalmologists Program

We are delighted to announce our partnership with the AOP (Advanced Ophthalmologic Practice) Academy Young Ophthalmologists event 'Retina: How to avoid false friends'.

The International AMD Genomics Consortium study: another success in understanding the complex genetics of AMD

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a neurodegenerative complex disease of the eye and a major cause of blindness and visual impairment among the elderly worldwide. The early stages of the disease are characterised by asymptomatic pigmentary abnormalities and accumulation of...

Importing iron to the retina

In the retina, iron is particularly critical for the visual phototransduction cascade. In the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), RPE65 activity leads to 11-cis-retinaldehyde, the photosensitive component of rhodopsin production and iron containing enzymes are necessary for disc replacement in photoreceptor...