You searched for "light"

2489 results found

£1.7 million funding for research into children’s eye health

Moorfields Eye Charity and the Medical Research Foundation are working in partnership to support research into childhood and adolescent eye health, putting £1.7 million of funding into this massively underfunded area of research.

Touring eye expressions

Growing up as a small child in the late 80s, I would often look out of the train, bus, aeroplane, boat or car window and naturally form artistic visuals from real objects in my mind. In a year of profound...

The treachery of images – making sense of OCT imaging

In 1929 Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte produced his painting La Trahison des Images. It depicted an old fashioned pipe for smoking tobacco and underneath were the words “ceci n’est pas une pipe”, this is not a pipe. You may wonder...

The original smooth operator: Sir Robin Millar

As an early 80s kid, if you lacked sufficient pocket money, building a music collection entailed recording your favourite songs off the radio with a cassette deck and hoping the presenter didn’t interrupt at any point, with a finger hovering...

Smart speakers: for patients and practitioners

Many readers will have experience of using smart speakers, such as the Amazon Echo or the Google Home. These popular devices are inexpensive and powerful. In brief, smart speakers listen for a spoken trigger word, followed by verbal commands. Commands...

A Shared Vision: national clinical director outlines plan for eye care transformation

This session will explore how nationally coordinated eye care can deliver improvements to patient outcomes, what should be the priorities and where responsibility for policy delivery sits across the NHS architecture. Attendees will have the opportunity to both learn more about NHS England’s ongoing work to support improvements to eye care and input into that process.

Embracing assistive technology in the fight against sight loss

The author shares his own experience of sight loss and explains the vital role assistive technology can play in the lives of visually impaired patients. There is no doubt that sight loss continues to be a clear and present danger,...

Sight loss charities appoint engagement manager to oversee launch of new sight loss councils

Sight Scotland, and Sight Scotland Veterans, in partnership with Visibility Scotland, have appointed Callum Lancashire as their new Engagement Manager to oversee the launch of Sight Loss Councils in Scotland.

Photophobia: an unusual symptom of a pituitary macroadenoma

Introduction Photophobia, defined as ‘an abnormal intolerance to light’, is commonly associated with a range of both ocular and neurological pathologies such as dry eye, blepharospasm, corneal pathologies, cataracts, uveitis, retinal dystrophies, optic neuritis, migraine, meningitis, and traumatic brain injury...

Microperimetry of subretinal drusenoid deposits

Subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD), originally termed ‘reticular pseudo-drusen’, have recently been identified by histology and optical coherence tomography (OCT) as aggregations located in the subretinal rather than the sub retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) space. These deposits affect the amount of...

OrCam MyEye – innovative sight assistance (Part 1)

For Jun/Jul 20201 and Aug/Sep 2021 we have a two-part review (see Part 2 here) of an innovative piece of sight impairment technology. The device is called a MyEye, made by OrCam. I was given the opportunity to use the...

Avoiding investigations through history taking and examinations to differentiate serious from comparably benign aetiology

*Joint first authors. Introduction Anisocoria can be a sign of neurological deficit, necessitating numerous investigations [1]. This case report explores how expensive and time-consuming investigations can be avoided by thorough history taking and examination to differentiate serious from comparably benign...