You searched for "iris"

239 results found

The assessment of pupils and 
pupillary reactions

Understanding pupillary reactions is vital in understanding basic neuro-opthalmology. It is a skill required in eye casualty, clinics and perhaps most importantly, exams. To start at the beginning, the pupil is the central aperture of the iris, its size controlling...

OrCam Technologies launches new class of AI reading device

OrCam Technologies, innovator of life-changing, personal 'AI as a companion' solutions, has announced the UK launch of the OrCam Read 3, an all-in-one solution for people with vision loss or reading fatigue, or who find reading challenging.

The results of the last survey Oct 2019

Another fascinating response which once more highlights the massive variation in practice. I completely acknowledge that ophthalmology is an art as well as a science and therefore there will be variances in practice and there will not be one ‘right’...

Using perimetry to support lesion location in the retrochiasmal visual pathway

The authors present a retrospective case review of patients with homonymous hemianopia from a 30-year period. Inclusion criteria included completion of perimetry within two years of diagnosis and a MRI brain. Data extracted from the records included demographics, diagnosis details...

Haag-Streit announces “Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2024” winners

Haag-Streit UK (HS-UK), the leading manufacturer and distributor of gold-standard diagnostic and surgical devices and instruments for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists, is pleased to announce the results of Haag-Streit's 'Slit Lamp Imaging Competition 2024'. Utpal Sarkar, from Disha Eye Hospitals,...

Apr/May 2015 Quiz

History A 60-year-old man presented to the ophthalmologists with painful blurred left vision. Examination revealed a white vascular mass, occupying 60% of the anterior chamber space, arising from the iris. After conservative therapy, no useful vision remained. The eye was...

The increased use of surgical adjuncts in complex cataract surgeries undertaken in the COVID-19 pandemic

The authors explore whether more complicated cataract operations have been performed in the NHS since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. Restrictions in availability of access to elective cataract surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent case prioritisation based on...

Cataract surgery in small adult eyes

This is a retrospective audit of a five year study period, between the periods of January 2006 to December 2010, where a surgical log book search was performed. The inclusion criteria of this study were intraocular lenses (IOL) power greater...

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Neovascular Glaucoma in a Patient with Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia

An 84-year-old Caucasian male attended eye casualty with a four month history of reduced vision, a dull ache and photophobia in both eyes. He had also reported dizziness, weakness and intermittent epistaxis in the nine months prior to presentation. There...

UWE are triumphant in Optoversity Challenge 2024

University of the West of England School of Optometry emerged as champions in this years’ Optoversity Challenge, beating off competition from eleven other institutions from around the UK and ROI. Run by the student training provider Out of the Box Optics, the online event saw second place going to Bradford, and third place to Plymouth.

Van Herick Plus

This a consecutive cross-sectional study of 95 phakic patients over the age of 40-years-old. By applying a short, vertical slit beam, the inferior angle at the scleral-limbal junction at 6 o’clock position was evaluated, photographed and assessed by a ratio...

A prospective trial of adjuvant therapy for high-risk melanoma

Patients diagnosed with iris, ciliary body or choroidal melanoma of high-risk tumour cytogenetics (monosomy 3>/= 20% of cells), were treated with adjuvant low-dose dacarbacine (DTIC) and interferon –alpha-2b (IFNA-2b), following primary treatment (enucleation, brachytherapy or resection). DTIC was given intravenously...