You searched for "inflammation"

1659 results found

Ocular complications in retinal vasculitis

In this retrospective study the authors aimed to characterise the incidence rates of visual loss and ocular complications associated with retinal vasculitis (RV – annual incidence of 1-2/ 100000/ per annum). A secondary objective was to compare the visual outcomes...

Bandage contact lens cultures after corneal collagen cross-linking

Corneal collagen cross-linking (CCL) is a treatment modality that has been shown to stop the progression of keratoconus. There have also been reports that CCL acts as an antimicrobiologic agent in treating resistant microbial keratitis. This study aimed to investigate...

Endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections in France

In this nationwide, retrospective, multicentre case series, the authors looked at the incidence and characteristics of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections of anti-VEGFs and steroids, given for a variety of posterior segment conditions (macular oedema secondary to diabetes or retinal vein...

Improved quality of life in children with allergic conjunctivitis and their parents with anti-allergic therapy

This prospective intervention study investigated the change in quality of life in child-parent pairs with allergic conjunctivitis (AC) on anti-allergic therapy. From September 2020 to May 2021, AC child-parent pairs and healthy child-parent pairs were recruited in Guangzhou, China. Children...

Comparison of two interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) for tuberculous uveitis

In this prospective cohort study the authors compared QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube and T-SPOT.TB to evaluate their diagnostic accuracy. They enrolled 120 consecutive new uveitis presentations over a two year period in a tertiary centre. The majority were Chinese (61.3%), followed...

Strange Sequelae Succeeding ‘Surfer’s Eye’

Ophthalmologists in the UK are relatively infrequently faced with a patient requesting surgery for a pterygium. This condition is more common where ultraviolet exposure is greater, especially if coupled with activities associated with ocular surface irritation. For this reason, a...

Atlas Of Orbital Imaging

It was an absolute pleasure to review this beautifully written textbook. Authorship is from a diverse, international group of experienced and respected oculoplastic surgeons with an interest in orbital disease. A significant contribution to most of these chapters has been...

Oct/Nov 2014 Quiz

History 12-year-old cattle herder in Bangladesh. Loss of vision right eye – over 2/12 to no perception of light (NPL). B-scan showed choroidal thickening. Suspected to be choroidal ‘tumour’. Enucleated. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5....

Choroidal folds

Choroidal folds are undulations of the choroid, Bruch’s membrane and pigment epithelium, with wrinkling of the overlying retina. They may be idiopathic but can also be caused by a number of different conditions. Case report A 60-year-old male patient was...

Disseminated cutaneous zoster – a masquerade

Reactivation of varicella zoster infection in the elderly commonly presents to ophthalmologists as herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO), affecting the Va trigeminal dermatome. In patients with impaired immunity, zoster infection occurs with increased severity and may be complicated by visceral and...

Comparison of ketorolac 0.4% and nepafenac 0.1% for the prevention of CMO after phacoemulsification

This is a prospective randomised clinical trial study including patients older than 40 years with age related cataract and normal ophthalmic examination. The patients are randomised into three different groups and the objective of the study is to compare the...

Oral omega-3 fatty acid treatment for dry eye in contact lens wearers

This study evaluates the effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplementation of dry eye symptoms, tear film tests, and conjunctival impression cytology in patients with contact lens wear-associated dry eye. In this randomised double-blind, multi-centred trial, contact lens wearers (n=...