You searched for "fluorescein"

197 results found

Managing cataract surgery in a patient with diabetic maculopathy

A 56-year-old type 2 diabetic with previously treated bilateral diabetic maculopathy develops a cataract requiring surgery in the right eye. He has had grid laser previously, followed intermittently by intravitreal triamcinalone, Avastin and more recently Lucentis in both eyes. His...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: the essentials

Herpes zoster, also referred to as shingles, is a common infection most typically caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus that lies dormant (sometime for decades) in the dorsal root nerve ganglion following primary chickenpox infection [1]. In 10-20%...

Birdshot retinochoroiditis

Birdshot retinochoroiditis (BRC) is a chronic, sight-threatening uveitis, most commonly affecting caucasian individuals in their fourth to sixth decades [1]. The disease is associated with HLA-29 and is characterised by progressive inflammation at the level of retina and choroid, with...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: a clinician’s perspective

Introduction Herpes zoster, commonly known as shingles, is caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus (VZV). The term herpes is derived from a Greek work, herpein, which means ‘creeping’ and the word zoster means a belt or a girdle...

Lessons from an unusual case of syphilis

The rise of syphilis transmission rates over the past two decades has been one of public health’s great puzzles. In the UK, the situation has reached epidemic levels, with a 126% increase between 2013 and 2018 [1]. We present a...

21st Century retinal laser treatment in the anti-VEGF era

In today’s world, macular laser treatment has a vital role in the treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DMO). DMO is one of the most common causes of visual impairment. Despite expensive intravitreal treatment courses of anti-VEGF, many will agree that...

Eye News Bring Artistic Eye to RCOphth

Eye News is delighted to be taking some of Steve Thomson's artwork to the RCOphth in May, raising money for the charity Fight for Sight.

Aug/Sep 2014 Quiz 2

History A 27-year-old man presented to the emergency department with blurred vision and central scotoma in the right eye (RE) over the previous weeks. He had no relevant medical history and he was not on any current medication. However, he...

The Ophthalmic Imaging Association holds successful first virtual conference

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, many of the things we enjoy were postponed or cancelled, including the 2020 Ophthalmic Imaging Association (OIA) conference. The Ophthalmic Imaging Association committee began focusing on 2021 but it soon became apparent a face-to-face conference...

Effect of minor trauma in eyes with previously undiagnosed angioid streaks

Angioid streaks (AS) may be associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), Paget’s disease, haemoglobulinopathies, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or abetalipoproteinaemia. Histopathology showed retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and choriocapillaris loss, elastic fibre degeneration, calcium deposition, active choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM) and vascular endothelial growth...

Macula re-attachment following intravitreal ranibizumab in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Ranibizumab (Lucentis) is a vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor (anti-VEGF) used for treatment of choroidal neovascular membrane [1]. We report a case where macula off inferior rhegmatogenous retinal detachment was misdiagnosed as wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and three intravitreal...

Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease? In 1986 Hinton et al. demonstrated evidence of optic nerve degeneration...