You searched for "clinics"

1839 results found

VISION 2020 LINKS Programme: building capacity for eye care services in Nigeria through leadership and skills development

The Lagos-Bolton VISION 2020 LINK started in December 2011. It is one of 29 LINKS now running in the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme [1]. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa, with a current population of 178 million, projected...

Are we short-sighted about myopia?

Worldwide prevalence of myopia has increased rapidly in recent years and has now reached epidemic levels, particularly in South-East Asia where prevalence is around 80% [1-4]. Myopia prevalence is also increasing in the United States and Europe where it is...

A pituitary tumour from 1927

The author shares a clinical case from Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s archives. It is not often in the course of a clinical career that one gets the opportunity to review a patient who had been treated by a pioneer neurosurgeon some...

3D printing and ophthalmology

3D printers have been available in the home market for many years, with the range of models increasing over time and the costs reducing. Historically, 3D printers have built a reputation of being complex and uncommon, most needing significant assembly...

Doctor at large

“In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the… Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the… Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone…?” In this memorable scene, the monotonous...

Is this a retinal detachment?

Despite the help of allied health professionals in triaging and managing acute ophthalmic emergencies, eye casualty remains overburdened. Trainees at the beginning of their training often struggle to manage such busy clinics with varied presentations. We present a case that...

Shifting the paradigm of managing patients in medical retina: how real-world data can help us to improve clinical practice

The ophthalmic subspecialty of ‘medical retina’ has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. With the introduction of ranibizumab (Lucentis, Novartis), a specialty formerly dominated by laser-based therapies has been transformed to become, in large part, pharmacotherapy-based. To date, these pharmacotherapies...

Headaches in ophthalmology (part 1)

Ophthalmologists see a large number of patients with headaches or facial pain in the ophthalmic outpatient clinics or in emergency clinics. Over two articles, I will discuss several causes of headaches, ocular manifestations and proposed management and referral options. It...

Problems in Periorbital Surgery: A Repair Manual

This is a multi-author textbook directed at oculoplastic and plastic surgeons carrying out and managing aesthetic eyelid surgery. The authors are well-known and commonly cite their mentor, Clinton (“Sonny”) McCord as the main inspiration behind the textbook. Each section contains...

CHEC announces national online CPD event covering critical eye condition that has seen 400% increase in secondary care referrals

CHEC announces national online CPD event covering critical eye condition that has seen 400% increase in secondary care referrals. The seminar is to be hosted by CHEC Clinical Director Mahmoud Rabie and follows the UK rollout of CHEC’s ground-breaking YAG Quantel Capsulo Laser System which significantly improves accuracy in eye treatments.

Developing community eye care: the GOS package in Scotland

In the second in the series about community eye care in the home nations, Janet Pooley explains how Scotland has developed its services within GOS. The United Kingdom has devolved healthcare; the powers were transferred from Westminster to Scotland and...

Moorfields Manual of Ophthalmology

The second edition of MMO edited by Timothy Jackson is a very handy practical resource for use in the eye casualty by doctors of all grades and nurse practitioners. It is a user-friendly, well presented manual, comprising 14 sections followed...