Eye research in the UK is underfunded relative to other areas of medical research and general awareness of sight loss and its prevention remains poor, messages that were reinforced in presentations and discussions during a recent research summit meeting in...
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a hierarchical list of attributes and skills that facilitates teachers to effectively teach, whilst concurrently enabling learners to effectively learn. It was first developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist along with a team of...
Prostaglandins are known to cause periorbital adverse effects. The aim of this retrospective case series was to compare the frequency of prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) between bimatoprost, latanoprost and travoprost users. Five PAP findings were evaluated: upper lid ptosis, deepening...
2 February 2024
| Mohammad Nofal Usman, Nadia L Chaudhry
EYE - Cornea
Transparency is a vital attribute of the cornea, necessary in preserving healthy vision. Maintaining this requires the collective input of the various layers of the cornea. Mostly, the layers implicated in this are the corneal stroma and endothelium [1]. Our...
Much like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and Excel, OneNote is part of Microsoft Office. For this reason it is likely that you will have access to it in your work environment. Used in isolation it is an easy to use and...
The use of social networking is now very common in both home and work environments. The field is expanding continually and we have had some requests for a roundup of common platforms. What is social networking and social media? As...
Pseudotumor cerebri (PCT) is a disorder causing increased intracranial pressure without a mass lesion, usually seen in obese women of childbearing age. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension is an idiopathic form of the disorder, but several medications have been associated with the...
Studies involve capturing data. Statistical techniques allow data to be used to answer important research questions. A case series may have data on a handful of subjects but we are now entering the Big Data arena where datasets can be...
1 August 2019
| Keith Barton, Gus Gazzard (Prof), Hari Jayaram
Ophthalmology, Glaucoma
Evolving technology, best practice and landmark evidence in glaucoma care were reviewed by an international expert faculty in session presentations and debates during the 11th Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium 2019. The authors were meeting chairs and provide an overview of...
Diuretics, used widely in the treatment of hypertension, oedema, heart failure and liver failure, have been implicated in case reports in scientific literature to be linked to bilateral acute angle closure glaucoma (AACG). The aim of this study was to...
The course aims to equip participants with the foundational knowledge and practical skills needed to acquire and interpret Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images effectively and confidently. Content will be tailored to current and new users of OCT – but all...