You searched for "Radiation"

2829 results found

Retinoblastoma mortality associations with choroidal and optic nerve invasion

The authors present a retrospective cohort study. Data was extracted from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, based in the US and founded in 1973. Cases of retinoblastoma were extracted using the inclusion criteria of...

Sensitive cilia – eyelashes in health and disease

In health our eyelashes protect the eyes, but in disease they can disfigure, impair quality of life and threaten vision. In this review the authors discuss aspects of lashes that are relevant to all professionals working near the eyes and...

Understanding retinal ciliopathy through Bardet-Biedl syndrome

This is a review article looking at up-to-date understanding and ongoing research in retinal ciliopathies. Syndromic ciliopathies consist of a group of disorders caused by ciliary dysfunction or abnormal ciliogenesis. These disorders have multiorgan involvement in addition to retinal degeneration...

Supranuclear ocular motility disorders

Figure 1: Bilateral INO Introduction Complex ocular motility disorders are a diagnostic challenge. These patients come with very complex ocular motility presentations and require a careful and detailed assessment in order to find the correct diagnosis and arrange appropriate investigations....

Surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy

The authors of this article explore the factors associated with successful surgical outcomes in third nerve palsy, which is known to be difficult to treat. A number of case notes were reviewed for patients who underwent surgery or botulinum toxin...

Phaco-ECP vs. Phaco alone to treat glaucoma

This retrospective review compared combined phacoemulsification and endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (phaco-ECP) to phaco alone in patients with mild to moderate glaucoma. Outcome measures included cumulative full and qualified success survival, postintervention IOP and ocular anti-hypertensive medication reduction. Full success was defined...

Age-related distance esotropia – what are the clinical characteristics?

The authors present a retrospective case review of individuals with primary divergence insufficiency or age-related distance esotropia, over a 15-year period. Inclusion criteria allow for the difference between near and distance angles to be patient reported or objectively measured. One...

Ophthalmology in ancient india, Sushruta’s time and the modern era

While reading an article related to the history of Indian ophthalmology, I came across this description of a surgical procedure: “The doctor warmed the patient’s eye with the breath of his mouth. He rubbed the closed eye of the patient...

Reduced angle after BT for postop diplopia test

The authors undertook a retrospective study to evaluate the extent of reduced deviation after Botulinum toxin (BT) when used as a postoperative diplopia test. They evaluated effect in 39 patients: 32 exotropia and seven esotropia. The same BT dose was...

DIGIROP efficacy for detecting treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity (TR-ROP)

This article examines the efficacy of using the DIGIROP online prediction model in estimating the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) requiring treatment in two Portuguese hospitals. Portuguese screening criteria for ROP mirrors that of the UK (<32 weeks gestation...

Resurfacing the ocular surface

The ocular surface (OS) is an anatomical and functional unit made of the tear film, the conjunctival, limbal and corneal epithelium, the lacrimal, mucous and meibomian glands and the lids and blink reflex. The tear film is composed of a...

The orthoptic report – what does it all mean?

An orthoptist report may well look like a piece of Japanese Shodo, however, it does in fact contain some extremely useful information. This piece will briefly explain some of the common brush strokes seen on a report. There is some...