A review of the risk of nonarteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy post-cataract surgery

A systematic review and meta-analysis are presented with the aim of assessing whether cataract surgery increases the risk of non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION) and identify potential predictors of risk. The search strategy components are outlined in detail. A...

The expanding spectrum of idiopathic intracranial hypertension

This is a review article from a tertiary centre in Atlanta, US. With rising obesity rates and increasing access for MRI scans there has been a large increase in patients requiring an urgent papilloedema check with incidental findings on MRI...

Does methanol poisoning require ophthalmic investigation?

The authors report a case series of 21 patients (41 eyes) diagnosed with acute methanol poisoning following an outbreak in Tunisia in 2020. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological examination including visual fields, colour vision test and optical coherence tomography...

Retinoblastoma mortality associations with choroidal and optic nerve invasion

The authors present a retrospective cohort study. Data was extracted from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, based in the US and founded in 1973. Cases of retinoblastoma were extracted using the inclusion criteria of...

Tocilizumab in Graves’ orbitopathy

This prospective European study looks at the response to tocilizumab in corticosteroid-resistant disease. Tocilizumab (TCZ) is a monoclonal antibody that competitively inhibits IL-6 binding to its receptor. Unlike teprotumumab, the advantage of TCZ is that it is already used within...

Complications of orbital cavernous venous malformation excision

This is a review of 290 patients who underwent excision of orbital cavernous venous malformations (OCVM) between 1970 and 2021, looking to identify the risk factors for a poor visual outcome following surgery. Intraconal lesions were classified as Group I,...

Clinical presentation, management, and outcomes in posterior segment open globe injuries

This is a retrospective, non-comparative, interventional case study of patients presenting with scleral and corneoscleral wounds covering a five-year period. It reports the clinical presentation, management, and factors affecting the outcomes of posterior segment open globe injuries (OGI) in 2360...

Effective contrast ratio as a measure of binocular visual perception

The authors used a binocular phase combination paradigm to quantitatively evaluate and compare the binocular visual perception of normal individuals and patients with different types of strabismus to understand the binocular visual perception of patients with strabismus and evaluate whether...

Natural history of optic nerve head drusen in a paediatric population

A retrospective case notes review is presented focusing on children diagnosed with optic nerve head drusen over an eight-year period. Inclusion criteria included cases coded for optic nerve head drusen and / or pseudopapilledema. The aim of the study was...

Medium-term outcomes following photo screening

A photo-screening project of preverbal children was conducted in 2016 in Portugal consisting of enrolment of two-year-old children and referral of these if having a positive screen to paediatric ophthalmology plus a screen of four-year-old children who missed or had...

How common are ocular disorders in the first 12-months of life?

The authors present a retrospective case review of all children aged under one year of age diagnosed with an ocular disorder over a 10-year period. The aim of the study was to describe incidence and types of ocular disorder in...

Attracting workforce to paediatric ophthalmology

This was a survey-based study to address unanswered questions relating to economic and workforce issues in paediatric ophthalmology. The survey comprised 12 questions with yes / no or multiple-choice responses and was circulated to American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and...