Amblyopia risk factors in premature children

The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence and timing of presentation of amblyopia risk factors in premature children during the first three years of life. This was a retrospective study including 145 of 292 premature children. Retinopathy...

OCTA to measure surgical haemodynamic changes

This study used the optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) technique to evaluate possible haemodynamic changes after horizontal rectus muscle surgery in 32 eyes of 16 patients; nine male, seven female. Recession / resection surgery was undertaken for two horizontal rectus...

Medial rectus recessions for ACE

The goals of this study were to describe the clinical features of acute concomitant esotropia (ACE), analyse the surgical results and evaluate correlations with clinical variables. This was a retrospective study of 15 patients with mean age of 39.2±10.7 years;...

Retinal vessel diameter in pseudoexfoliation

Pseudoexfolation (PEX) is characterised by deposition of fibrillary extracellular material on ocular and extraocular tissue. Studies have shown that deposition in vascular structures cause hypoxia and ischaemia. In the eye, a decrease in blood supply to the optic nerve can...

Prognostic factors for visual acuity in patients with LHON after gene therapy

This retrospective study investigates prognostic factors affecting the visual acuity after a single intravitreal injection of rAAV2-ND4 gene therapy in 53 patients with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) with mutation at site 11 778. Patients were reviewed one and three...

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