Journal Reviews
Case report review of children with septo-optic dysplasia and optic nerve hypoplasia
Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) and optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) cause congenital visual impairment. Their aetiology is mostly unknown. The authors aim was to investigate the prevalence of specified ophthalmological features in patients with these disorders. These features included impaired visual acuity,...
Association of pendular waveform and retinal disorders
The authors aimed to evaluate the relationship between retinal disorders and pendular low amplitude high frequency components (PLAHF) waveform by collecting nystagmus eye movement recordings, electroretinography (ERG) and gene tests. Retinal disorders were diagnosed by clinical phenotype and genotype characteristics....
Imaging findings for macular dysplasia in nystagmus
This paper reports the retrospective analysis of congenital macular dysplasia in patients with albinism, macular heterotopias, congenital aniridia, foveal hypoplasia, congenital macular coloboma and congenital retinoschisis. The study included 29 eyes of 17 patients. The authors report SD-OCT aids diagnosis...
Graded Andersons procedure for nystagmus
The authors performed a recession of yoked muscles in patients with idiopathic infantile nystagmus (IIN) in a graded manner based on the amount of head turn. This was a retrospective case series of 37 patients; 26 males, 11 females aged...
Long-term outcomes of surgery for vertical head posture
The authors report long-term follow-up of a series of seven patients with nystagmus and chin up or chin down head posture that underwent vertical extraocular muscle (EOM) surgery. Mean age at surgery was 56 months (19-96 months). All had horizontal...
IINS function
This study explored the impact of idiopathic infantile nystagmus syndrome (IINS) on quality of life in adults measured using the VFQ25 questionnaire. Of 38 subjects, 35 completed the questionnaire. Mean age was 35.1±13.0 years; 15 were British Caucasian and 14...
Contact lenses for adults with infantile nystagmus
A pilot randomised controlled trial (RCT) was conducted to determine recruitment rates, acceptability of and adherence to treatment and adverse events along with change in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and nystagmus parameters from baseline to two weeks follow-up. The...
GP contact lenses in nystagmus
The purpose of this study was to quantify and evaluate the effect of rigid gas permeable contact lenses (CLs) on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and motor parameters of involuntary eye movements in hyperopic patients with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS). This...
Nystagmus and associated diagnosis
Patients with nystagmus attending a Low Vision clinic in Sweden were included in this study. Medical records were reviewed to exclude those with general diagnoses that could explain the nystagmus. The remaining group of patients underwent subjective refraction, retinoscopy, ocular...