Quiz archive for 2016
Dec/Jan 2017 Quiz
History An 18-month-old boy presented with a slow growing left anterior orbital lump medially. Examination revealed a palpable mass beneath the skin at the inferonasal aspect without any visual impairment. A CT scan (Figure 1) followed by an excisional biopsy...
Oct/Nov 2016 Quiz
History A 67-year-old female patient had chronic left canaliculitis becoming painful and more recently complicated by left lower blepharitis. Examination revealed a small fleshy lump on the medial aspect of the left lower eyelid. There was also swelling of the...
Aug/Sep 2016 Quiz
History A 45-year-old female patient presented with left upper eyelid swelling present for six months. There was mild pain and a sense of fullness over the left eye. Examination revealed a palpable firm mass over the lacrimal gland area without...
Feb/Mar 2016 Quiz 2
History A 30-year-old male presents with a phthisical left eye and undergoes enucleation. He has some lesions in his right eye that are under ophthalmic surveillance. Figure 1 is a low power of the enucleation. Figures 2, 3 and 4...