You searched for "refractive"

1531 results found

Surgical outcomes after trauma-induced cataract extraction

This study evaluated outcomes in children aged less than eight years with corneal laceration and traumatic cataract who had cataract extraction one to eight weeks after primary corneal wound repair. This was a retrospective study of 47 eyes of 47...

Medial rectus recessions for ACE

The goals of this study were to describe the clinical features of acute concomitant esotropia (ACE), analyse the surgical results and evaluate correlations with clinical variables. This was a retrospective study of 15 patients with mean age of 39.2±10.7 years;...

Childhood blindness and visual impairment in the Narayani Zone of Nepal

Up to 50% of childhood blindness is preventable or treatable, and its control is a high priority in the VISION 2020 initiative of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. In this study, the authors utilised the rapid assessment...

IOL power calculation accuracy in childhood cataract surgery

Refractive outcomes in eyes after vitrectomy vary as the timing of cataract surgery may influence the outcome when done as staged surgery after vitreoretinal (VR) surgery or at the same time as VR surgery. The authors aimed to determine the...

Iran prevalence of amblyopia

The authors aimed to determine the prevalence of amblyopia, its relation with refractive errors and its determinants. The target population was all children aged seven years in Iran. There were 3675 of 4157 children who participated (88.4%) with final analysis...

CFEOM outcomes

This study presents the orbital and cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of patients diagnosed with congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM) along with the surgical procedures and outcomes for ocular motility and strabismus. Nine patients are described: three...


In this retrospective study the authors evaluate the effect of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling for lamellar macular hole (LMH) with or without macular retinoschisis in highly myopic eyes. Twenty-one highly myopic patients (22 eyes)...

My Top Five Ophthalmology YouTube channels

In the digital age, medical education is being rapidly updated and transformed with the integration of modern technology. Many enthusiastic educators and learners are exploring novel platforms and formats of medical education. Additionally, there has been an increasing need for...

Conservative management of concomitant strabismus

The aim of management for all patients with strabismus should centre around four goals: to prevent amblyopia, to alleviate symptoms, to restore binocular single vision (BSV) and to improve ocular alignment. The conservative management options available for strabismus include observation,...

Biometry and IOL choice errors

In the next instalment of this series I focus on problems associated with biometry and intraocular lens (IOL) selection for cataract surgery. I have taken previous medicolegal cases I have dealt with and tried to extract some learning points and...

Micropulse vs. continuous wave trans scleral diode cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma

Continuous wave cyclophotocoagulation (CWCPC) delivers continuous high intensity energy to the ciliary body in an attempt to reduce aqueous secretion and hence lower IOP. It is often used as a treatment of last resort due to the potential side-effects of...

Troubleshooting in LASIK

Contemporary laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is safe and effective. It remains the dominant intervention in routine refractive surgery for a good reason: predictable results, rapid visual recovery, and relatively simple strategies for revision treatment. Over 95% of patients are...