You searched for "gonioscopy"

259 results found

Endothelial cell loss using different graft injectors in DMEK

This study aimed to investigate endothelial cell loss between two injector systems in descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) grafts; a glass injector – modified Jones tube and a plastic injector – closed system IOL injector, the Viscoject 2.2 system. DMEK...

Acanthamoeba ability to adhere to different contact lenses

This study tested ability of Acanthamoeba lugdunensis trophozoites to adhere to silicon hydrogel contact lenses (SHCL) and how this is influenced by different multipurpose contact lens solutions (MPS). Three generations of SHCL were tested: first generation – Air Optix, second...

Fungi in chronic anterior blepharitis

In this prospective, non-randomised cross-sectional study the authors demonstrate the presence of fungi in patients with chronic anterior blepharitis of at least two years duration. Eyelash samples were obtained by epilation with sterile forceps and evaluated with PAS staining, fungal...

Climatic droplet keratopathy

Climatic droplet keratopathy (CDK) is an acquired and potentially handicapping corneal degenerative disease that is highly prevalent in certain rural communities around the world. It predominantly affects males in their 40’s and is known by many other names such as...

How to diagnose and treat Acanthamoeba keratitis

Corneal ulceration caused by Acanthamoeba is on the rise, and recent publications indicate an outbreak in the UK over the last few years [1]. Since Acanthamoeba keratitis often presents with atypical features, diagnosis from slit-lamp examination alone can often be...

A standardised strategy for uveitis etiological diagnosis

This was a prospective, non-inferiority, multicentre randomised control trial, which aimed to assess the effectiveness of a standardised approach in the etiological diagnosis of uveitis versus an open strategy, where clinicians could perform any test. The authors developed their standardised...

A near miss

A 55-year-old gentleman presented with a ‘blurry patch’ to his left eye which he had noticed for the past two months. The visual acuity with correction was 6/5 in the right eye and 6/6 in the left eye on the...

Upper eyelid ulceration as a presenting sign of frontal sinus mucocele

Introduction A sinus mucocele is an epithelium-lined sac filled with mucus and desquamated epithelium. It forms secondary to inflammatory processes that occur in a sinus with an obstructed ostium. Predisposing conditions include previous trauma, surgery, tumours, anatomical abnormalities, and chronic...

CHEC announces national online CPD event covering critical eye condition that has seen 400% increase in secondary care referrals

CHEC announces national online CPD event covering critical eye condition that has seen 400% increase in secondary care referrals. The seminar is to be hosted by CHEC Clinical Director Mahmoud Rabie and follows the UK rollout of CHEC’s ground-breaking YAG Quantel Capsulo Laser System which significantly improves accuracy in eye treatments.

Mucormycosis: In conversation with Dr Deepak Haldipur and Dr Aditya Moorthy

COVID-19 has ravaged the world in the past 18 months. The second wave in many countries was deadlier than the first. Mucormycosis, infamously labelled ‘the black fungus’ has affected some countries, such as India, in epidemic proportions within this COVID...

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Updated textbooks Basic and Clinical Science Course 2018-2019

The American Academy of Ophthalmology publish a series of books entitled Basic and Clinical Science Course every year. It’s a highly regarded series and has often been quoted to me as a good reference set of books. Indeed, I invested...

Jun/Jul 2015 Quiz

History A 35-year-old male presents with bilateral corneal opacities. Examination shows a honeycomb-type dystrophy. A penetrating keratoplasty is performed and the specimen sent for ophthalmic histopathological assessment. Figure 1 is the haemotoxylin & eosin (H&E). Figure 2 is a Masson...