You searched for "fellowship"

206 results found

The final step

Not long after securing my fellowship in London I was successful at interview for a consultant post at Singleton Hospital, Swansea. The interview took place before I had actually started in London and besides the basic things that are asked...

Dr Sohaib Rufai awarded European Award in Medicine for Ophthalmology

Dr Sohaib Rufai has been awarded the 2022 European Award in Medicine for Ophthalmology. He led the world’s first study using handheld OCT to predict future vision in infantile nystagmus.

In conversation with Emilio Torres-Netto

We chat to Emilio Torres-Netto from the ELZA Institute, Zurich, Switzerland at ESCRS 2019 about winning the ICO-Allergan Research Fellowship in 2018 and his research. Click the image below to see his answers to our questions.

Factors affecting the success of canalicular repairs

This is a ten year retrospective review of 137 canalicular laceration repairs, looking for factors which affected the outcome. A successful outcome was defined as no epiphora at three months or more after removal of the stent. Overall the success...

A personal reflection: working at the International Centre for Eye Health from 2006–2024

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been working part-time at the International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) [1] since 2006. Earlier in my career, the responsibilities of work and a growing family made this merely an aspiration, and apart from...

New funding will support development of wearable diagnostics for neuromuscular diseases

A researcher from the University of Glasgow has received an EPSRC Open Fellowship to develop new wearable technology capable of measuring the progress of neuromuscular diseases.

Building leaders for eye care in Africa: the COECSA-RCOphth VISION 2020 LINK

The VISION 2020 LINK [1] between the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has been building leaders of eye care in Africa since 2008, when a Memorandum of Understanding...

British Council for Prevention of Blindness has a new Chairman

BCPB’s new Chairman Mr Michael Burdon FRCOphth FRCP is a consultant ophthalmologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham with a specialist interest in neuro-ophthalmology.

Ophthalmology Scholarship Applications Open – Deadline 1 June 2021

The University of Edinburgh has opened applications for The David and Molly Pyott Foundation Scholarships in Ophthalmology which will support eligible ophthalmology trainees / registrars /residents undertake the university’s online, two-year, part-time ChM (Master of Surgery) in Clinical Ophthalmology from September 2021.

Glaucoma UK and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists announce research award 2023

Glaucoma UK and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists are working in partnership to run this prestigious award which has previously funded a range of research topics from prospective stem cell treatments to the use of big data in patient risk stratification.

BCLA webinar will look at medical uses for contact lenses

A BCLA webinar will review the various indications for medical use of contact lenses and how different lens modalities work.