You searched for "consent"

2380 results found

Flashes and floaters in community optometry – diagnosing a posterior vitreous detachment

Managing patients who attend a practice with symptoms of flashes and floaters is a regular occurrence in community optometric practice. It’s often very distressing for patients; symptoms can be quite dramatic and an internet search can indicate imminent blindness from...

OrCam MyEye – innovative sight assistance (Part 2)

Following on from Part 1 of this topic, we will cover the remaining features, pricing and support of the OrCam MyEye. Facial and person identification The MyEye Pro can be taught to recognise up to 150 individuals (or 75 if...

SARCS 2019 Deep Dive Phaco Fundamentals - Trainee Day

By Emily Proudfoot, Optometrist, Vision Surgery & Research Centre, Hull. As somewhat of an appetizer for the conference the following day, in Hull University this year was held a different meeting. A dissection of all things phaco, hosted by two...

Complement factor B polymorphism and the phenotype of early age-related macular degeneration

The relationship between complement factor H (CFH) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is very well known, but other genetic polymorphisms relating to AMD are more poorly understood. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between complement factor B (CFB)...

Complications of limbal stay sutures

There is limited literature describing complications at the limbal suture site. The authors describe two cases with postoperative complications due to use of intraoperative limbal stay sutures. Each case had strabismus surgery at other centres but with presentation to the...

Malpractice from telephone triage in ophthalmology

The authors examined malpractice lawsuits related to ophthalmology telemedicine telephone triage in the US. The study reviewed a total of 510 lawsuits and identified 18 cases that involved synchronous telephone visits, while none involved video telecommunication. The study found that...

Comparison of treatment for hemianopia following stroke

The authors report the screening process and recruitment figures for a randomised controlled trial comparing interventions for post stroke homonymous hemianopia. Interventions included Fresnel prisms, visual search training and standard care (information only). Primary outcome measure was the change in...

Transferring imaging from primary to secondary care (part 2)

Transferring clinical imaging from high street optometrists to secondary care is an increasingly requested option, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A wide variety of solutions exist to allow this, each with their own merits and shortcomings. In...

Do we really need the College to be Royal?

It is taken for granted in this country that all the best medical colleges are Royal. That they have the royal seal of approval from on high and therefore must be the best. I have been somewhat confused for a...

Spotlight: The Community Eye Health Journal

In many low-income settings, where vision loss is greatest, eyecare is hampered by shortages in trained health workers. In sub-Saharan Africa, there are fewer than five ophthalmologists per million population, compared to over 70 per million in high-income countries. Eyecare...

Dark circles and facial rejuvenation

A 45-year-old socialite lady comes for cosmetic consultation and wants a remedy for dark circles and facial ageing. How do you manage this patient? Issues of dark circles and facial ageing should be addressed separately. Facial ageing should be considered...

MCQs for FRCOphth Part 1

The FRCOphth Part 1 is the first of the fellowship examinations set by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists. It is considered one of the hardest and challenging examinations focusing on the theoretical knowledge of the learning outcomes set in the...