By Emily Proudfoot, Optometrist, Vision Surgery & Research Centre, Hull.
As somewhat of an appetizer for the conference the following day, in Hull University this year was held a different meeting. A dissection of all things phaco, hosted by two of the most experienced surgeons in the field Mr Brian Little and Mr Milind Pande.
What was covered during this day? The simple answer is, Everything.
The morning session covered Pre-operative evaluation, Documentation and Consent; Microscope and Patient setup and draping; Incisions; CCC and Hydrodissection and Hydrodeliniation. Mr Little and Mr Pande each took different aspects but used each other’s experiences and gave tips and advice that they have pieced together over many years and thousands of operations.
In the afternoon there followed Phaco fluidics and Ultrasound modulation; Divide and Conquer; Chopping technique; Epinucleus and Cortex removal; IOL implantation and Wound closure and to finish Victoria Kerins from Bausch and Lomb discussed Machine settings and Troubleshooting. This was a fully comprehensive and detailed look at all aspects of phacoemulsification.
The day was informally led with many opportunities for questions and discussion and attendees varied hugely in experience but I am sure that there was something useful for everyone here.
A full report of the State of the Art Refractive and Cataract Surgery meeting will follow in the October/November issue of Eye News.