You searched for "PRP"

570 results found

Combined in-office and home-based eccentric viewing training for central vision loss

This retrospective study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of an eccentric viewing training (EVT) programme delivered in a real-world setting (home exercises) by combining a traditional EVT technique with biofeedback training using microperimetry. The authors investigated potential relationships between visual...

Vital dyes in ophthalmology

This comprehensive review gives an excellent summary of the uses and properties of the different dyes available to aid better visualisation and diagnoses in ophthalmology. The authors clearly display the pharmacological properties, molecular details, osmolarity and indications in clinical ophthalmology...

Proning and the pandemic - ocular complications seen in critical care

Priyanka Sanghi and her co-authors explore the ocular complications seen in critical care units throughout the country as we treat patients through this challenging time. The SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed the NHS and critical care services under immense strain,...

Fight for Sight to maximise impact by funding solutions-focused research in priority eye conditions

Fight for Sight aims to stop sight loss by funding pioneering research. Rod McNeil takes a look at the Primer Fellowship Awards programme, which provides funding for up to £60,000 for individuals to undertake vision-related research for one year. Among...

Cavernous sinus syndrome

Anatomically the cavernous sinus is a plexus of multiple veins that are connected and within this plexus there are several important vascular and neurological structures. These include cranial nerves III, IV, V1 (and sometimes V2), VI as well as the...

Recurrent unilateral preseptal cellulitis secondary to herpes simplex virus infection

Introduction Periorbital (sometimes called preseptal cellulitis) is a common condition which on its own is not normally an ophthalmic or surgical emergency, however it has the potential to cause severe and serious morbidity in cases where the infection has crossed...

The management of chronic uveitis

A 40-year-old company executive is referred from another unit with recurrent anterior and posterior uveitis for 12 months and the inflammatory markers are raised. Review of systems This is a case of chronic uveitis which needs a thorough workup and...

Impact of COVID-19 on primary retinal detachments

This study aimed to describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation characteristics, timings, and surgical decisions for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). The cohort included all patients who presented to a Portuguese centre over a two-year period,...

A trainee’s guide on how to prepare for the digital age of ophthalmology

As the pandemic rolls on, the past year has left many ophthalmic departments in disarray with ever-lengthening patient waiting-lists and increasing challenges in service delivery. Areas such as virtual clinics, telephone / video consultations have had to mature rapidly to...

The Ophthalmic Imaging Association holds successful first virtual conference

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, many of the things we enjoy were postponed or cancelled, including the 2020 Ophthalmic Imaging Association (OIA) conference. The Ophthalmic Imaging Association committee began focusing on 2021 but it soon became apparent a face-to-face conference...

Old dogs

It is always nice to get a thank you card, especially so when it comes from someone at the tail end of an overbooked clinic who had waited patiently well past their appointed slot. Such was the case when I...