You searched for "Optics"

1434 results found

A rare case of ophthalmic complications following allergic fungal sinusitis

The authors present an unusual case report of a 32-year-old man with advanced allergic fungal sinusitis, presenting with severe bilateral visual loss and restricted ocular motility. On presentation he had an 18 month history of progressive nasal obstruction, as well...

PD-1 and retinal ganglion cell death

Death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) in conditions like glaucoma leads to permanent visual loss. RGC death can be due to the initial stress such as raised intraocular pressure or secondary to mechanism such as oxidative stress. Programmed cell death-1...

Toric intraocular lens rotation related to the capsulorrhexis

The risk factors for postoperative rotation in the early post-operative period; a longer axial length, younger patients, and with the rule astigmatism as described by Miyake T et al. (JCRS 2014) in a case series of six eyes. This letter...

Likelihood of developing multiple sclerosis after optic neuritis diagnosis

Optic neuritis (ON) is a relatively common cause of acute optic neuropathy in young patients which often presents as the first sign of multiple sclerosis (MS). There is a lack of evidence around the factors that are associated with the...

Adolescent optic disc haemorrhages

The authors conducted this study to describe the clinical characteristics of multi-layered optic disc haemorrhages in adolescents. This was a retrospective review of 16 eyes (11 right and five left) of 16 patients with a mean age of 15 ±2.6...

Diary from my elective: a Parisian experience

The author explains how a research institute’s dedication to multidisciplinary collaboration helped him to discover a passion for academic ophthalmology. The elective aspect to the final year of a medical degree, through its change of scenery and immersion into another...

Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicines in Ophthalmology (Second Edition)

With advancement in science and technology in the last decade, the role of biomaterials and regenerative medicines has become increasingly important in the management of various ocular disorders. This book highlights the role of biomaterials in the restoration of vision...

Feb/Mar 2014 Quiz 1

History A 55-year-old diabetic male presents with some annoying floaters in his left eye. Slit-lamp examination shows multiple well defined bodies within the vitreous cavity, in an eye otherwise showing background diabetic retinopathy. The patient elects to undergo a vitrectomy....

Scope Eyecare announces winners of Independent Prescriber Bursary Awards 2023

The final of the 2023 SCOPE IP Bursary Awards took place on Thursday 29 June 2023. The award, now in its second year, attracted many entries the quality of which were extremely high.

Quantum technology first in eye disease detection

Scientists are working on a new device that could lead to a reduction in the number of people who go blind from age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Preparing for modern ophthalmic surgical training as a trainee

As a trainee in ophthalmology, every day you are learning more and more about the specialty. In addition, you will most likely be exploring the vast array of subspecialties that ophthalmology has to offer, and would probably be trying to...

Orbital sphenoid sinus trauma: a rare trauma case

With a high complication and mortality rate, intra-sphenoidal and transorbital trauma poses a high complication rate and remains challenging to manage. Numerous key structures run nearby such as: the optic nerve, internal carotid arteries and ophthalmic arteries. The authors present...