You searched for "MMC"

282 results found

The paediatric cataract: an overview of the diagnosis and management

In this second article (see first article here), Samuel Aryee and Rhys Dumont Jones review the challenges involved in managing this condition. Examination and diagnosis Cataracts in children can appear in a variety of forms, each presenting in a different...

What's trending Apr/May 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. #ArgusI #ArgusII #bioniceye #retinitispigmentosa #SecondSight Remember Argus I & Argus II? Its star burned bright, touted as the future of treatment for retinitis pigmentosa....

What's trending Oct/Nov 2020

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #oldEnglish #herbalremedies Researchers from the University of Warwick, investigating natural remedies to treat bacterial infections, have discovered a potential new treatment....

A app and more security woes gets a new app The website is well known in the medical community. Its online services started 20 years ago, in 1998! Since then it has retained its core features of providing email accounts and also an online...

The results of the last survey Dec21

Consent is a hot topic at the moment and the publication of the GMC Guidance on Consent [1] has rightfully refocussed our attention on it. Consent practices vary wildly and have been the subject of many of these surveys. Once...

The results of the last survey Feb22

This edition’s survey took a slightly different tack and tried to look at the problems we face in litigation. Litigation is unpleasant. It is horrible being involved in it and the process of litigation can be extremely stressful. From the...

Ophthalmology Specialty Training 2024: What's different?

The 2024 intake for ophthalmology specialty training (OST) has undergone several significant changes in its approach towards candidate selection and assessment. This article provides a comparative analysis, detailing these new measures and comparing them against the previous year's standards. Our...

New solutions in the prevention and treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis

The global increase in Acanthamoeba keratitis infections has emphasised the inefficiencies of current treatment and preventative methods, here researchers from the West of Scotland detail a promising new series of compounds that may stem the tide. News headlines detailing horror...

Rare eye diseases: progress continues with authorised orphan medicines and breakthrough technologies

An update on the development of orphan medicines, recent regulatory treatment approvals for rare eye conditions and advances in retinal prosthetic technologies for blinding diseases. The prevalence of a rare disease is based usually on a range of estimates and...

Sustainable prevention of blindness from diabetic retinopathy through prevention and control of diabetes mellitus – LINK partnership experience in Dominica

The Caribbean Diabetic Retinopathy Project (DR Caribbean) is a five-year project that aims to reduce blindness due to diabetic retinopathy (DR) across four Commonwealth countries: Belize, Dominica, Jamaica and St Lucia. The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme at the London School...

What to expect when meeting a statistician

There are a growing number of statisticians working closely with ophthalmologists. They have different training but they are driven by the same goal: to perform high quality evidence based clinical research [1,2]. In a perfect world we would simply conduct...

The original smooth operator: Sir Robin Millar

As an early 80s kid, if you lacked sufficient pocket money, building a music collection entailed recording your favourite songs off the radio with a cassette deck and hoping the presenter didn’t interrupt at any point, with a finger hovering...