You searched for "COVID"

1259 results found

The TOPCON / OIA Imaging Competition and a brief history of ophthalmic photography

We hope you like and appreciate the image forming the cover of the June/July 2021 edition of Eye News. The Ophthalmic Imaging Association (OIA) was honoured to have been invited to submit a series of images from the winners of...

Twenty-five years in retina

In the next of our articles celebrating 25 years of Eye News, the authors look at how the retina specialty has changed over this time and ask what the future might hold. Retinal disease management has benefited from great advances...

Two centuries later, braille is still as important as ever, says teenage sight loss campaigner

Braille, the system of raised dots that has enabled blind people to read and write, is as vital as ever, and has adapted to the advances of new technology, says RNIB, Scotland's leading sight loss charity.

Retinoblastoma management update (part 2): treatment, screening and surveillance, long-term follow-up and new developments

Retinoblastoma treatment requires significant multidisciplinary input, but early detection through raising awareness remains key to improving outcomes. In the second article of a two-part series, Manoj Parulekar discusses retinoblastoma management, screening and research. This article has been published in two...

Infection prevention and control through a VISION 2020 LINK between Mombasa and Southampton

The authors share how a partnership between Mombasa and Southampton has enabled Kenyan healthcare professionals from four institutions to innovate and work as a group to improve infection prevention and control. Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a cornerstone of...

Identifying drugs associated with intraoperative floppy iris syndrome

Before David Chang MD from the University of California found out about intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS), ophthalmologists were mystified each time they came across cataract surgeries that were characterised by sudden intraoperative iris prolapse and pupil constriction. The biggest...

Where are they now?

The Eye News and University of Edinburgh teams last met up with Zomba-based Dr Chinsisi Namate Nyirenda, in Glasgow, May 2022, when she was a member of The Ophthalmological Society of Malawi’s delegation to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual...

College of Optometrists recognises outstanding contributions to the profession with Life and Honorary Fellowships

The College of Optometrists has awarded three new Life Fellowships and two new Honorary Fellowships to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession or to the College.

Supranuclear ocular motility disorders

Figure 1: Bilateral INO Introduction Complex ocular motility disorders are a diagnostic challenge. These patients come with very complex ocular motility presentations and require a careful and detailed assessment in order to find the correct diagnosis and arrange appropriate investigations....

Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease? In 1986 Hinton et al. demonstrated evidence of optic nerve degeneration...

Welcome from Guest Editor Evelyn Mensah

I loved attending RCOphth Annual Congress face-to-face in Glasgow this year. How wonderful it was to see old friends and meet new after two pandemic years. At Congress I chaired the session on ‘Racism in the NHS’ with ‘three professors’...

The COVID-19 ‘frontlines’: a foundation doctor’s perspective

Staring through the fragmented stained glass of the Virgin Mary and her assorted angels, I reflected on the strangeness of the workplace I now found myself working in and the irony of a workforce now working together more enthusiastically than...