This is a retrospective study from Auckland over a 10-year period including 188 eyes of 139 subjects with either OH or UG and were included for analysis with a mean follow-up of 9.9 years. The most common uveitis causes were idiopathic (29.3%), sarcoidosis (13.3%), herpes zoster (6.9%), HLA-B27 (6.9%), tuberculosis (5.9%), posner- schlossmann or cytomegalovirus (5.3%). Median intraorbital pressure at diagnosis was 35mmHg. One hundred and forty-four eyes (77%) developed glaucoma during the follow-up period, and 41 / 144 lost some central vision. Oral acetazolamide was required in 64.5% for IOP control. Fifty eyes had trabeculectomy, 18 eyes required tube and six had minimally invasive glaucoma surgery. The authors recommended close collaboration between uveitis and glaucoma specialists in this group of high-risk patients with rapid progression from OH to UG.