Journal Reviews archive for 2022
Exotropic angle by PACT vs under translucent cover
The authors aimed to validate the photographic analysis with a translucent cover by comparing the results obtained from this analysis with the angle obtained by prism cover test (PACT) in patients with intermittent exotropia. This was a retrospective review of...
Improving distance stereopsis in intermittent exotropia with training
This study compared the control ability of patients with stereopsis and analysed the influencing factors of the improvement of distance stereopsis in children with intermittent exotropia. Seventy-eight children were recruited: 33 male, 45 female with mean age of 8.4 ±2.72...
Germline mutation risk in solitary unilateral retinoblastoma
This study aimed to determine the true risk for germline mutation in a child presenting with solitary unilateral RB and whether this risk differs by age at presentation. This was a retrospective review of 482 cases from 1972-2020. Age groups...
Combination surgical management for congenital lacrimal duct obstruction
The authors aimed to report the clinical outcomes of antegrade balloon dacryocystoplasty (DCP) followed by pushed-type monocanalicular (MC), combined as a primary management for congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction (CNLDO). This was a retrospective study of 62 eyes (48 patients) with...
Comparison of treatment regimes for APROP
The authors evaluated the risk factors and treatment outcomes of various treatment options for APROP including intra-vitreal anti-VEGF injections, laser treatment and a combination of both. This was an observational study of all consecutive cases of untreated APROP from 2018-19...
Presentation profile for sports-related ocular injuries
This study sought to examine the initial presentation of sports-related ocular injury in youths presenting to a US tertiary eye centre. This was a retrospective study of cases with a one-year follow-up period. Over a five-year period of 2010-15, 3965...
Screening outcomes for Syrian refugee children
This study compared two commonly used photoscreeners in a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan to better understand what types of technology would function best in a low-resource setting. The children in this study were assessed with the PEEK acuity application...
Surgery technique for subluxation in Marfan syndrome
The authors evaluated the efficacy and safety of bimanual capsulorrhexis combined with sutureless scleral-fixated IOL implant in children with Marfan syndrome. Seven children (14 eyes) with subluxated lenses underwent bilateral surgery; four female, three male with mean age of 7.1...
Understanding retinal ciliopathy through Bardet-Biedl syndrome
This is a review article looking at up-to-date understanding and ongoing research in retinal ciliopathies. Syndromic ciliopathies consist of a group of disorders caused by ciliary dysfunction or abnormal ciliogenesis. These disorders have multiorgan involvement in addition to retinal degeneration...
A to Z of X-linked retinopathies
This review article provides an excellent summary of X-linked retinopathies and the corresponding genotype and clinical features. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of each condition in terms of its pathogenesis, clinical features, imaging findings, electrophysiology changes and any current...
Changes in the prevalence of myopia in middle-aged caucasian Australians compared to UK biobank
This article compares rates of myopia and high myopia in large cohorts of caucasian Australians from the Busselton Healthy Ageing Study, the urban Gen1 of the Raine Study, the Blue Mountains Eye study and Melbourne Visual Impairment Project. The former...
Insights in resistant diabetic macular oedema
This article gives a bird’s eye review of the different modalities for the treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DME). The debut of anti-VEGFs has brought a paradigm shift in DME management. This treatment has now become a major breakthrough in...