Hess vs. Harms vs. PCT measurements

This study aimed to compare the results of the different tests in 36 strabismus patients and 18 healthy controls aged 6-81 years. Tests included alternate prism cover test, Hess screen and Harms screen. Because of glasses restrictions with the Harms...

Prisms to treat AACE

Of 128 patients reviewed with binocular dysfunction, 30 (23.4%) had acute acquired concomitant esotropia (AACE). These patients complained of sudden onset diplopia at distance with no or moderate problems at near. There was no previous history of strabismus. Mean age...

Prism adaptation outcomes in convergence excess esotropia

This study reports the changes to angle of deviation following prism adaptation in a group of 58 patients with convergence excess esotropia and their surgical outcomes. Age at prism adaptation was 7.2 (SD1.82) years. One child refused prisms and two...

Comparison of treatment for hemianopia following stroke

The authors report the screening process and recruitment figures for a randomised controlled trial comparing interventions for post stroke homonymous hemianopia. Interventions included Fresnel prisms, visual search training and standard care (information only). Primary outcome measure was the change in...

Association of asthenopia and heterophoria

Heterophoria varies over time and asthenopic symptoms may be greater when the heterophoria is larger. Thus a close intra-individual correlation may exist between heterophoria and discomfort during reading. The authors investigated the variability of both parameters in 20 individuals who...

Prism cover test variances

The purpose was to establish the inter-examiner variability and agreement between more than two examiners assessing children and adult patients. The study involved four experienced examiners. The alternate prism cover test (APCT) was conducted at near and distance in 41...

Walking with prisms

This study was undertaken to assess which tempero-spatial properties of gait are influenced by vertical yoked prism (VYP) wear and consider any adjustments to gait made to maintain stability both during and following VYP wear. Thirty-one healthy adults were recruited....