You searched for "impairment"

1517 results found

The All Eyes Foundation

At its core, All Eyes Foundation (AEF) wishes to help bring vision back to Iraq, and it intends to do this through ophthalmic subspecialty training, mentoring and infrastructure development. Based in Najaf, just over 100 miles south of Baghdad, the...

Sustainability in eyecare: Climate action in eyecare

Climate change will cause disruption to critical eyecare services and increases in rates of eye disease around the world. The International Agency for Prevention of Blindness has recommended 10 key areas of action on how the eyecare sector can address...

Results of fixed aflibercept treatment regime in type 3 neovascularisation

In this prospective study the authors evaluate the effect of intravitreal aflibercept injections in the treatment of naive type 3 neovascularisation using a fixed treatment regime. Fourteen eyes of 14 patients were studied. All patients were treated with intravitreal 2.0...

Management of diabetic macular oedema (DMO)

The authors present guidelines on current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the management of DMO. Fluorescein angiography (FA) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are recommended before starting treatment to help diagnose and stage DMO, and can be repeated if there...

Ophthalmology in the developing world

After the second year of medical school, I spent my summer vacation working as a volunteer for a small Italian non-government organisation (NGO), named HEALTH-AID. As part of my volunteering experience, I joined a team of European doctors, medical students...

Fight for Sight to maximise impact by funding solutions-focused research in priority eye conditions

Fight for Sight aims to stop sight loss by funding pioneering research. Rod McNeil takes a look at the Primer Fellowship Awards programme, which provides funding for up to £60,000 for individuals to undertake vision-related research for one year. Among...

VISION 2020 LINKS Programme: the Madagascar-Leeds LINK

Madagascar is a fascinating and culturally rich island which has an ‘exotic’ status in most people’s eyes. Yet it is among the poorest countries in the world. According to the World Bank, 92% of the population live on less than...

Analysis of ‘urgent’ cataract referrals from community optometrists in the West of Scotland

As elective cataract services restart post-COVID, how do we establish which patients should be a priority? The authors share their findings from a review of ‘urgent’ referrals received by the ophthalmology department in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde. The COVID-19...

SCONe Project seeks participants for patient and public involvement group to revolutionise AMD research

The SCONe project, run by optometrists, ophthalmologists, and researchers from the University of Edinburgh, and funded by Sight Scotland, is appealing for participants to take part in a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group focused on revolutionising the detection and management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).

ESASO Course Series (Volume 2): Surgical Retina

This book comprises details of symposia / seminars on surgical aspects of retina presented by renowned authorities in ophthalmology from all over the world during ESASOS (European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology) academic activities, which are mentioned in a...

Primary eye health care in low- and middle-income countries

The need for eyecare services in low- and middle-income countries Recent global estimates (2020) suggest that there is more than a three-fold difference in the prevalence of all categories of visual loss (presenting visual acuity <6/12 in the better eye)...

Developing community eye care: the evolution of Wales’ eye care services

In the third in our series about community eye care in the home nations, David O’Sullivan explains how Wales has developed its community eye care services. Since the devolution of healthcare to Wales on 1 July 1999 [1], significant changes...